How to Get Fast Metabolism by Workouts?

by | Aug 24, 2021 | How to Lose Weight | 0 comments

There are many different “techniques” and workouts for getting fast metabolism. If you want a “program with pictures,” then you are not here. Read on if you want to understand what works and what doesn’t (and why). I assure you that after reading this article, you will have all the basic knowledge to distinguish a ” good “workout from a “bad” one. And, most importantly, you will understand the essence of the principles on which it is built.

Weight loss workouts. Principles of construction.

In most cases, people equate training with wasting calories. Like I was on the treadmill for 10 minutes, I burned 50 calories. I went for a run, burned another 50. Everything, 100 burned down, and we destroyed as much as 10 g of fat. No, it doesn’t work that way. More precisely, it works, but the approach is incorrect. In general, this nonsense was invented to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of training more effectively. Like, the more calories you spent, the more fat you burned. Partly true. But not quite. You need to focus not on the number on your smartwatch but on changing the metabolism and creating a powerful “reserve” for fat burning.

Indeed you have seen “skinny” people who eat like horses. These are happy (and maybe unhappy) owners of a fast metabolism. Such people burn more calories by default.

Metabolism is the totality of all biochemical reactions occurring in the body. Hormones regulate all biochemical processes. And the hormonal background is the first thing you need to work with. And taking into account this fundamental factor, build a training program for weight loss.

Our hormonal background depends on:

  • Physical activity and type of exercise
  • Nutrition
  • Other factors (sleep, stress, lifestyle in general)

I will tell you more about nutrition, sleep, and other factors in my next articles and now about loads. The essence of what I want to convey to you is as follows: change your metabolism, increase the amount of active cell mass, and make a merciless fat-burning machine out of your body, which will actively burn calories not only during training but also during rest (including sleep), and every second of time, regardless of what you are doing.

A fundamental change in metabolism (in terms of physical activity) is achieved:

  • by increasing the level of active cell mass
  • systematic emissions of “correct hormones”
  • with the “correct” load

Increase in active cell mass for metabolism

Let’s take it in order. The first thing that weight loss training should be aimed at is an increase in active cell mass. If you have not previously engaged or engaged in “so-so,” then the amount of your active cell mass is small.

By the way, there are special devices that make it (cell mass) they measure it. These are available in most modern fitness clubs. You can measure this amount if you have access to such devices. If not, don’t worry. It is not a matter of principle. Fundamentally, it is necessary to build your training program correctly. In general, each person has a total number of muscle cells. Some are working actively, some are average, and some are just lying dead weight. They consume little energy and do not take an active part in your metabolism.

To find out more:
Growing Muscle x2: 6 Natural Techniques to Speed Up

Grow Metabolic level

BUT! You can make active ones from these cells that will consume much more energy, and the body will be forced to feed them! Just imagine, you can increase your power consumption by default. Let’s assume that your main metabolic level was 2000, and it will become 2500 (conditionally). Cool? Cool! Let’s move on. How can this amount of active cell mass be increased? Very simple. To make those cells that have been resting until now work. And how to do it? Let’s go from the other side. It will make it clearer to you. Why do they not work at all or work, but not at 100%? Yes, because:

  • A: other cells work for them
  • B: it makes no sense for the body to include them in the work

The fact is that for ordinary, everyday work, a very small number of muscle cells is enough. As a rule, these cells are oxidative. That is, they have mitochondria in them.

Mitochondria are such "energy stations" inside your cells that can oxidize organic substances using oxygen. In addition, mitochondria perfectly utilize the products of metabolism and allow you to perform long, monotonous work.

In general, if you walk 300 meters a day and lift a couple of kg of weight, then your body has formed a certain (small) number of muscle cells that do this work. And the work of these cells is unchanged. There is no such thing that some cells are working now and then (when they get tired)- others are working. No, the same ones are constantly working. And the rest either rest almost constantly or from time to time. Our main task is to make those cells that are resting work for the most part.

And now the question. How to do it?

Training sessions? Right. But which ones exactly? And then we come back to the calories that 90% of beginners are fixated on. We put on a fitness bracelet and went for a walk. We have passed 1 km, 2 km. Then 3 and 5. What has changed? Nominally spent “X” calories. And have additional cells been included in the work? Have you increased the volume of active cell mass? Have you raised the basic level of metabolism? No. At least, it is essential. Will such hiking help you lose weight? To some extent, yes. But are they effective? It depends on what to compare it with. In general, no. If only as an addition to the main load. Why? This is because they cannot increase the amount of active cell mass and more or less seriously accelerate the metabolism.

Yes, I know “pedestrians” who have lost some weight by walking or running easily. First, there was a serious adjustment of nutrition. And nominally, you can lose weight without moving at all, only by adjusting the power supply. And secondly, these people have practically not changed in appearance. It was 120, and it became 100. But the appearance remained the same, only smaller in size.

This man did not become more beautiful. It just decreased in volume. And it is necessary not just to decrease in volume but also to change the body’s composition, increasing its quality. And cardio training for weight loss can be a great addition to the main road, but not a “base.” It is immediate information to all “pedestrians” who claim that such a load is effective. Yes, it is effective, compared to lying on the couch. But it is ineffective compared to “correct” weight loss workouts.

Active Cell Mass and Metabolism

And so, let’s return to the active cell mass and metabolism. If you do not lift anything heavier than a spoon, and you suddenly decide to run or, say, push-ups from the floor, you will get tired very quickly. But this will not happen immediately. At first, it will be easy for you, then it will be tolerable, then it will be very difficult, and at the end, “refusal,” that is, there are no more forces. What is happening at this moment? When it’s easy for you, your main oxidative cells do the work, and the load you give them is comparable to their performance.

But with each new repetition, it becomes harder for you. It suggests that the existing “active” cells are not enough to “digest” this load. And the body begins to include new cells that were previously less active in work. Then, it stops grabbing them too. And the body includes the most “lazy” ones in its work and makes them work. The problem is that the laziest cells do not have mitochondria. Those very power plants that, in “real-time” mode, oxidize organic substances with the help of oxygen. Lazy cells are glycolytic. They oxidize organic substances without the participation of oxygen and very quickly acidify and get tired. And there are no mitochondria (which can quickly eliminate acidification) in these cells. This leads to a”failure.” But, every time you feel a “failure,” the body forces the “lazy” cells to work. And over time:

  • mitochondria appear in them (at least in some of them)
  • the number of nutrients in these cells increases
  • they become full-fledged and active

Strength exercises improve your Metabolism and Performance

So, the amount of your active cell mass increases, and the rate of metabolism increases. And by increasing the metabolic rate, you increase your energy consumption “by default.” Surely you have noticed (or will still notice) that the first progress is given quite quickly. At the last training session, we squatted 15 times, and this one is already 17. And in a month – 30. It is an increase in active cell mass. It’s just that the body can’t turn all the cells into work at once. It happens gradually. And proper weight loss workouts contribute to this. Thus, to increase the amount of active cell mass and speed up the metabolism, you need to perform strength exercises to failure. “Power” does not mean that you have to find the heaviest dumbbell and plow with it until you are exhausted. The term “power” is simpler.

A strength exercise is an exercise that is performed in a short time range until failure (as a rule). Such exercises can be performed both in the gym and at hoe. These are all kinds of squats, push-ups, press exercises, and so on.

Such exercises allow you to change the figure on the scales and lose weight qualitatively by changing your body composition. Every time you increase your working weight or the number of repetitions, you increase your muscle cells and your metabolic rate. And the more active cell mass you have, the more work you can do during training. Roughly speaking, if one person squats with his weight 15 times, and the other the same amount, but with a barbell of 50 kg., then the athlete who makes “more weight,” by default, spends more calories. And this is another plus of a high percentage of active cell mass.

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Do Girls be afraid of strength training?

Girls are often afraid of strength training. Like, ” I’m going to pump something for myself now.” You won’t pump it, don’t be afraid. To “pump” something, it takes years of hard training and many illegal drugs. See fewer pictures on the Internet. For a woman, the muscle base is no less important than for men. Buttocks, back muscles (including the lower back), thighs, arms. All this creates not a pumped-up, but a beautiful, athletic figure. And it brings good health.

Therefore, weight loss workouts should consist of strength, basic exercises.

Hormonal Background

The next point is the hormonal background, an extremely important thing. If you remember, at the beginning of the article, I told you about hormones. And that it is hormones that regulate all the biochemical processes in our body. And the most useful hormones are just produced when performing strength exercises to failure. First of all, it is testosterone and somatotropin (growth hormone). By the way, it is somatotropin that is the main fat-burning hormone. In addition, it is a hormone of “youth,” which plays a key role in cell renewal. Here’s what you need to keep young: eat less and exercise regularly. The maximum hormonal emissions, as studies show, occur when performing strength exercises to failure, in the range of 30-45 seconds. On average, 10-15 repetitions per exercise.

Thus, the training program for weight loss is built from STRENGTH exercises that are performed TO FAILURE. And training for gaining muscle mass and burning fat does not differ much from each other. The main difference is nutrition. However, there are also nuances in training, not critical.

But what about cardio training for weight loss?

Again, training is different from training. If you’re walking, that’s one thing. If you perform some exercises like “jumping jack” – this is different, weight loss workouts. Working diagrams.

And if, say, you perform functional training, then this is the third. Any cardio is suitable. But, as I said above, only as an addition (except functionality). Let’s assume that cardio in the form of walking or light running can be performed after the main workout (20 minutes) or on days of rest from a “strength workout” for 30-90 minutes (depending on cardio). Cardio workouts for weight loss perfectly complement the main program, but they are not a full-fledged replacement.

Again, if we are talking about functionals, such as this (below), then it can also become the basis.

Such workouts consist of strength exercises mixed with cardio. And they can be performed at home. Not a bad option. Nominally, they can help to lose even more weight than the classic “strength workout.” But the classic “strength workout” gives a greater change in the composition of the body. In other words, everything burns during functional training. Both fat and glycogen (reducing volumes, creating relief). The classic “strength workout” allows you to make more beautiful volumes while increasing the relief and reducing the fat layer. But everything is done against the background with proper nutrition, of course.

Without the right nutrition, even if you throw something off, it is insignificant. You will have to adjust the power supply. Just as competently as training.

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