9 High Vitamin D Foods

by | Apr 16, 2021 | Vitamins and Supplements | 0 comments

  1. Vitamin D: Food needs and sources
  2. Here are nine foods included in the highest vitamin D healthy food.
  3. The case of cod liver oil
  4. Good advice

Here’s a list of nine of the richest foods of vitamin D, a micro-nutrient that’s allied with the health of bones, muscles, and immune systems.

It participates in the absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus, is important for the health of bones and teeth, and promotes the good functioning of muscles and the immune system. There are many reasons for not failing to miss the right amount of vitamin D.

Its importance is such that some experts believe it has led to the evolution of specific characteristics typical of the US population, particularly the clear complexion and the ability to digest lactose.

In fact, part of the vitamin D that the organism needs is synthesized into the skin by Uv-B’s action in the sunlight. Having a clearer complexion than that of our ancestors would allow us to synthesize enough of them even at latitudes where natural light is less intense.

On the other hand, vitamin D can also be used with food, including milk. Getting the ability to digest lactose would have allowed modern Europeans’ ancestors to take more vitamin D through this food.

But why is there so much need to get vitamin D from milk? Because, unfortunately, the food rich in this precious micronutrient is few. Therefore, if the amount of vitamin D produced by Uv is insufficient, the risk of deficiency is around the corner.

Vitamin D Foods: needs and sources

The recommended intake of vitamin D is determined by reference nutrient and energy intake levels. The appropriate intake for children under the age of 10 µg per day; Recommended intake then rises to 15 µg per day until age 75, when it is further increased to 20 µg per day.

Most vitamin D food sources are the food of animal origin. It is found in some fish, cod liver oil, liver, eggs, milk, and milk products.

These foods contain the same vitamin D form that is synthesized in the skin, vitamin D3 (or cholecalciferol). Few foods of plant origin contain vitamin D2 (or ergocalciferol).

Other possible vitamin D sources are fortified foods (i.e., with added vitamin D) and food supplements. In vitamin D3, studies suggest that vitamin D3 is more effective than vitamin D2 counterparts.

But be careful: there is also a maximum tolerable level of vitamin D. It is always indicated by the Larn, who set it at 40 µg a day in their first year of life, 65 µg a day from 1 to 3 years, 75 µg a day from 4 to 10 years and 100 µg a day from 11 years.

After passing these doses, this substance that is so useful for the organism’s well-being can also become harmful. To health, exposure to the risk of nausea, vomiting, constipation, lack of appetite, weakness, weight loss, confusion and disorientation, calcium deposits in soft tissue (for example, in the heart and lungs), and kidney problems.

It is, therefore, best to recruit supplements only after consulting your doctor. To ensure that they are actually used and rely first and foremost on vitamin D present in food.

Here are nine foods included in the highest healthy vitamin D foods.

1. Salmon trout and salmon

These are two species belonging to the Salmonidae family, which are very common on our fishing vessels’ banks. Sources of omega 3 (fatty acids from anti-inflammatory action known for their beneficial effects on heart health) also contain good vitamin D doses.

In particular, 100 grams of farmed salmon trout provide 15,9 µg of vitamin D. Fresh salmon, on the other hand, contains 10,9 µg per 100 grams, smoked 17,1 µg per 100 grams and canned 15 µg per 100 grams.

2. Swordfish

Swordfish is also a source of omega 3 and vitamin D. The latter is present in doses of 13,9 µg per 100 grams of edible part.

As a great predator, swordfish carries a possible risk: contamination with heavy metals accumulating in the organism can lead to serious side effects. Mercury, for example, is neurotoxic.

This problem also affects other fish containing vitamin D, such as salmon and tuna. So the General Council is not to eat more than 150 grams a week of these kinds of fish.

3. Mackerel

With its 13,8 µg per 100 grams, it is another good source of vitamin D associated with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

There is an advantage over salmon, swordfish, and tuna: it does not accumulate worrying doses of heavy metals. For this reason, it can be brought to the table more often.

4. Herring and sardines

The vitamin D content of herring and sardines is similar: 4,2 µg in 100 grams for the first, 4,8 µg for the second.

In these cases, too, valuable omega-3 fatty acids are added to vitamin D. And even these species, like mackerel, do not risk containing dangerous doses of heavy metals.

5. Eggs

Two whole eggs are needed to take a little more than 2 µg of vitamin D. It is contained only by the yolk, where it is present in concentrations of 5,4 µg per 100 g.

Unfortunately, eggs contain significant doses of saturated fat and cholesterol. This does not mean that they should be banned from their own food, but it is better not to exceed their consumption. According to the principles of the Mediterranean diet, you can eat between two and four a week.

6. Tuna

It contains significantly lower doses of vitamin D than other fish, i.e., 1,7 µg per 100 grams in the case of fresh tuna. For those who love the convenience of canned food, the good news is that this vitamin is not lost in the process.

7. Milk

In 100 grams of whole milk, 1,3 µg of vitamin D are present. Therefore, it is not the richest food in this precious vitamin, but it can contribute to its daily contribution.

Some cheeses and dairy products also contain a certain amount of cheese. There’s a little bit of that, for example, in whole yogurt and feta.

8. Bovine liver

The vitamin D content in the braked bovine liver is not very different from that of whole milk: 1,2 µg per 100 grams.

Together it also provides vitamin A, in doses of approximately 9,4 mg retinol.

9. Mushrooms, cocoa, and chocolate

Depending on the variables considered, 100 grams of mushrooms provide approximately 0,2-0,4 µg vitamin D in the form of vitamin D2. Like vitamin D3 in the skin, vitamin D2 in mushrooms is synthesized due to exposure to ultraviolet rays.

They were once thought to be the only food source of vitamin D vegetable origin. Recent research, however, has also found vitamin D2 in cocoa and chocolate.

Cocoa beans contain ergosterol, a precursor of vitamin D2, and significant amounts of vitamin D2 have been found both in cocoa powder and butter and in different types of chocolate: founder (1,90-5,48 µg/100 g), white (0,19-1,91 µg/100 g) and hazelnut spreadable (on average 0,15 µg/100 g).

The assumption is that ergosterol is converted to vitamin D2 during the sun-drying of beans.

The case of cod liver oil

Finally, cod liver oil is also an excellent vitamin D source, with a concentration of 250 µg/100 g. A good dose of vitamin A is added, of 30 mg per 100 g, accompanied by high amounts of omega 3.

As a fat substance, cod liver oil promotes both vitamin D and vitamin A, both fat-soluble. In short, it is no coincidence that it is one of the most popular food supplements.

However, it is important to pay attention to the doses taken: Large amounts of vitamin D and excess vitamin A may be dangerous to health.

Good advice

Spending time in the open, in the sun, is the best way to get the daily intake of vitamin D you need. A proper exhibition during the good season will allow supplies to be stockpiled for winter.

Unfortunately, however, we also have to deal with the need to protect the skin from ultraviolet light’s undesirable effects. Moreover, not everyone can be exposed to sunlight for the time it takes to synthesize enough vitamin D.

Adequate nutrition helps prevent dangerous deficits that can lead to problems like rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults. Suppose there is a suspicion of a vitamin D deficiency. In that case, it is appropriate to consult with your doctor, who will identify the food supplement most appropriate to his case if necessary.

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