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Workout Tips for Beginners: Answers to questions

by | May 4, 2021 | Bodybuilding | 0 comments

Short answers to the most popular questions that are most often asked by beginners before a workout.

  • Approaches
  • Repetitions
  • Number of exercises per day
  • Training session, and time

And other essential things that you should know.

Weight gain training should not last more than 40 minutes. Is this really the case? And how long should a fat-burning workout last?

Time is not always an indicator. Usually, when they talk about 40 minutes, they justify it. Because the maximum level of anabolic hormones is observed about 20-30 minutes after the start workout and then begins to decrease.

At the same time, the concentration of the catabolic hormone (cortisol) begins to increase. And the bottom line is simple, finishing the workout when the anabolic hormones are at their peak and the catabolic ones are still a little bit.

This is partly true, but only partially.

The level of hormones at a particular moment is not the main factor, which determines the duration of the training.

Often, 40 minutes is too short of performing a given amount of exercise. And as practice shows, training over 1 hour with a well-designed training program and appropriate nutrition brings excellent results.

And often much more than when training for 40 minutes.

Again, time is not always an indicator. You can have a different set of exercises, different intensity, and other rest times between sets.

In some cases, it may be 40 minutes, but usually. Training still takes at least 1 hour.

And if I want to burn as much fat as possible, how much do I need to exercise?

First of all, you don’t need to try to burn all your fat in training. Often such attempts lead to general exhaustion, including the nervous system, especially when reducing carbohydrates in the diet.

Most of the fat we burn is not in training but outside the gym. At workouts, we instead create a foundation for successful fat burning and hormonal release.

Overall, training for the gain weights and fat-burning workouts aren’t much different from each other. And are held in a roughly equal time range.

In general, this is about the same training. In addition, we can add some cardio after a workout and on a separate day.

The number of repetitions can also be slightly higher to create more training volume. The weights are less, and the exercise to failure are milder.

But in general, the training is the same.

So how many repetitions should I do on weight and for fat burning?

Usually, the number of repetitions is alternated.

on the mass, you can do:

  • 6-8 reps
  • 10-12 reps
  • 12-15 reps

Each power range gives different bonuses. A smaller number of repetitions, for example, more stimulates the growth of contractile muscle structures.

A greater number of repetitions stores the cell’s nutrients and increases them in volume due to plasma.

Alternating a different number of repetitions, we develop the muscles in a complex way.

There is such a thing as the effective time under load is about 30-45 seconds. That is, on average, 10 repetitions is the optimal value.

it should be noted that on the mass gain, I would recommend

alternating the number of repetitions.

And with weight loss, focus more on 10-15 and repetition. This will create a greater workout volume.

In theory, you can also work for 6-8 reps when you lose weight. But so the volume of training will be less than with 10-15 repetitions. And when burning fat, we should still try to increase energy out reasonably.

And how much rest between sets?

In fact, before the normal muscle recovery. Usually, this is 3 minutes, but it also depends on the complexity of the exercise.

In squats with a barbell, for example, it can be 4 minutes or more.

And in lifting the barbell on the biceps no more than 3 minutes.

You can relax more. But, in this case, your training will last for several hours in the gym. Focus on three minutes and the feeling of muscle recovery.

How long do I have to do an exercise in one workout?

Usually, this is two or three exercises for a large muscle group and about 2 for a small one.

At least if we are talking about a split system, divide the bodies into different muscle groups and train them on different days.

The average number of exercises conducted in one training session is 4-6.

Again, the more complex the exercise, the fewer them than the exercise, the simpler, the more of them.

With a standard three-day program, this is about 5 exercises per workout. 3 for a large muscle group, for example, on the back, and 2 for a small one, for example, on the shoulders.

Do I need training to failure?

Yes, it is necessary, But there are different types of training failures.

You can perform a classic failure when you complete the exercise when you can not continue to perform it without violating the technique.

And you can perform a few more repetitions from above with the curve technique and cheating, or with the help of a partner, for example.

The more complicated your failure, the higher the load on the nervous system.

The correct failure is needed. And sometimes bounce with cheating with the help of a teammate and using supersets and other hard techniques. But much more limited.

The overall load on the body and the nervous system, in

particular, takes many recovery resources. Therefore, the correct conditionally soft refusal should always be. And some more severe failures are more metered.

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