The way you start your day can have a big impact on how you feel for the rest of the day. If you get up and go to bed at similar times, you’ll find that it helps with your sleep patterns throughout the week. However, if you don’t follow any guidelines for what to do in the morning, then it’s likely that your sleep will suffer as a result – which means less energy and productivity during the daytime!
Wake up at the same time every day, even if you are tired.
You should always wake up at the same time every day. Try to get out of bed even if you’re tired or don’t feel like it, because doing so will help you avoid a sense of dread about getting ready for work in the morning.
One way to motivate yourself when you don’t want to get out of bed is by thinking about how nice it will feel to get some exercise right away and have a productive day at work.
Stop using alarm clocks – use your body’s internal clock instead.
When it comes to waking up, your body’s internal clock is a great ally. But you need to learn how to make the most of its natural rhythms and sleep patterns.
To start, it’s helpful to understand what makes your body wake up at certain times every day. Our circadian rhythm (or body clock) regulates our sleep-wake cycle through changes in hormone levels and other bodily functions that follow an approximately 24 hour pattern. In other words, our bodies are programmed for regularity—they like things predictable!
In order to use this internal timer as a guide for when you should stop sleeping and start getting ready for the day, try setting an alarm clock earlier than usual until your body becomes accustomed to waking at that time without any help from an external source (like an automatic device). The next step is resetting your internal timer so that it matches up with this new habit. This process may take a few days or even weeks but eventually getting up early will become second nature instead of something forced on yourself by an outside influence like a ringing alarm..
Don’t stay in bed “resting” or thinking.
There’s no benefit to lying in bed and resting. If you feel like this is what will help you fall asleep, think again! The best way to start your day off right is by getting up and moving around instead of sleeping through it.
If you do have time before work, exercise can be a great way to wake up your body and get ready for the day ahead. It also helps with stress relief which means less tossing and turning at night!
Even if it’s only for 5 minutes, doing some housework like making your bed or folding laundry can make a big difference in how well rested you feel when you go back to sleep at night.
Get up and start moving around – exercise or do some regular housework.
A morning workout can help you sleep better. But don’t think you need to spend hours at the gym every day to reap these benefits. Even just 15 minutes of exercise can help you get a good night’s rest.
If you’re not an early riser, try doing some housework instead of hitting the gym. It’ll get your body moving, and it’ll give you something to do until breakfast time!

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Yoga poses to improve sleep
At least 15 minutes of sun exposure early in the morning
Sunlight exposure early in the morning, for at least 15 minutes a day, is one of the best ways to improve your sleep quality.
You need sunlight exposure because it helps regulate circadian rhythms and melatonin production. It also regulates cortisol levels. The sun is an excellent source of vitamin D which helps reduce inflammation and increase immunity.
If you can’t get out into the sun in the morning, there are other ways to achieve this same effect by using artificial light exposure devices that simulate natural daylight (like F.lux).
Plan a busy morning – avoid lying in and start your day slowly.
If you’re having a hard time waking up in the morning, it might be because you’re lying in bed thinking about what you have to do.
The more anxious and worried you become, the more likely you are to go back to sleep.
If this is part of your morning ritual, try planning your day ahead of time so that when it’s time to get up, you can spring out of bed without feeling too stressed about what’s ahead.
Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet.
The ideal temperature for your bedroom is 18 to 20 degrees Celsius, which makes it cool but not cold. You can measure the temperature using a thermometer that measures the air temperature in your room. Alternatively, you can use your hand as a quick and easy way to judge the room’s temperature: if you feel comfortable with bare arms and legs while sitting up in bed, then the room could be too hot; if you feel uncomfortable with bare arms and legs while sitting up in bed, then the room is likely too cold.
Other ways of keeping your bedroom cool include installing an air conditioner (if applicable), opening windows when it’s warm outside, turning off lights when they’re not needed, and closing curtains on sunny days so that less heat enters through the windows.
You should also ensure that there isn’t any light coming into your bedroom from outside sources such as streetlights or lit billboards; if necessary take steps such as drawing thick curtains around window frames or placing black tape over cracks where light might leak through during certain hours of the day (the ideal amount of natural light is less than 50 lux).
The morning is the best time to start your day with a good night’s sleep, and there are many steps you can take to make sure that happens. If you have trouble getting up in the morning, use these tips and tricks to help wake yourself up naturally!