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Insulin Sensitivity and Weight Loss

by | Sep 26, 2021 | Weight Loss | 0 comments

“I removed the sweets and lost weight.” “I got on keto and lost weight.” “I put away the beer and lost weight.”

And so on, so on, so on. Did you hear that? Certainly.

Today, I would like to explain why we lose weight dramatically with a decrease in carbohydrates consumed. And why then, when they are incorrectly returned to the diet, we gain weight. Someone will say: “so the caloric content was reduced, energy consumption became more than the intake of calories, and we lost weight.” It is partly true. But only partially. Let’s look at another situation. For example, let’s analyze the transition to”keto.”

To find out more:

Keto diet: What is it?

And so, we take a standard diet of 2500 calories, where there are cereals, bread, and fruit. We switch to the same 2500 calories, but which we get exclusively from proteins and fats. And what happens? Oh, a miracle, we are losing weight. The caloric content was not reduced, but they began to lose weight. But how is this possible? Yes, it’s very simple. And this is another attempt to remind you that you need to focus not only on the caloric content of the diet. But also on its composition according to Fat Carbs and Protein.

Does insulin sensitivity important to weight loss?

Oh, well. Why are we losing weight? There are things called cell receptors. And these receptors (in this case, insulin) are “sharpened” for a specific type of nutrition and a constant insulin level. If you eat many sweets, the sensitivity of insulin receptors decreases (so that you do not turn into a sperm whale in a couple of months). If you eat carbohydrates in moderation, then the sensitivity of the receptors is average. And if you don’t eat at all, then it’s low. The fact is that it is carbohydrates that cause the greatest release of insulin. And the fewer carbohydrates in the diet, the higher the sensitivity of the receptors so that the small amount produced when consuming protein and fats is used to the maximum.

Now imagine the following picture: you eat many carbohydrates, and your receptors are tuned to a certain sensitivity. Then, you abruptly remove carbohydrates from your diet and replace them with proteins and fats without changing the calorie content. But the insulin receptors are already set up for quite large insulin emissions. But insulin sharply becomes two times less (conditionally). And the body cannot use it effectively since the sensitivity of the receptors is reduced. As a result, we begin to lose weight as the fat in our cells ceases to be replenished effectively.

Why are you gaining weight after diet?

And it turns out that the calorie content has not been reduced, but they have already lost weight. But the most interesting thing happens later. Based on their experience, people do not sit on fashionable diets for more than three months. Sometimes it’s half a year or even a year. But 99 people out of 100 sooner or later give up “fashionable things” and return to a more familiar diet. And “happiness” begins right here. Of course, the opposite is happening: the sensitivity of cells to insulin is increased, and now every portion of ordinary porridge tends to stock up in your fat cells. 

I’m not talking about sweets anymore. As a result, people on the way out of such diets often gain more than they threw off. And, by the way, the weight ceases to decrease on any diet, whether it is keto or any other. The body adjusts to the caloric content and sets the necessary sensitivity settings for the receptors. And this, by the way, is one of the reasons why people give up all these diets.

At first, the result is excellent. And then it slows down and stops altogether. But the diet does not end. Here is a man sitting, and he thinks that there is no super effect anymore, but he wants to eat bread. I’d better go back to where I was. Is returning… And with it, the extra pounds come back. Therefore, I always recommend sticking to episodic diets, with a smooth and competent entry and exit. It’s safer and more efficient this way.

Remove or add Carbs gradually

The fact is that if you remove or add carbohydrates correctly and gradually, the sensitivity changes gradually, and the body has time to adapt to this. It is especially true when leaving the diet. By the way, if you have been on keto for a year, then you can also get out of it painlessly. But it is necessary to add carbohydrates to the diet very gradually. And the longer you have been on a diet, the longer there should be a way out. Suppose this is a classic “amateur drying,” which I have always adhered to. In that case, we remove carbohydrates for a couple of weeks, sit at their minimum for 1.5-2 months, and gradually return carbohydrates to the diet for a couple of weeks. If you have been on a strict diet for a year, it will take longer to get out of it.

That is why not everything revolves around only one calorie content (as many believe). Other equally important factors need to be taken into account. And by the way, I sincerely feel sorry for people who count calories every day. In my opinion, this is inconvenient, and there are much easier ways to lose weight. Yes, you will have to reduce the calorie content. But it is not necessary to count them (calories). Without a calculator and problems, you can add or remove carbohydrates, and everything will decrease or increase by itself.

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