So, how to lose fat? Losing weight is an aesthetic goal of many, but not everyone knows that it doesn’t always mean slimming – that is, losing fat.
By spreading the diet, managing the workout poorly, or dehydrating (by sweating or by medication), it is pretty easy to see the scale drop without reducing the fat percentage (% BF).
What’s more interesting is that in many cases, the user is even happy.
This demonstrates the importance of the psychological factor in the weight loss process.
Some people are saying to be “emotionally involved” more by the results of the instrumental measurement than by the rest – the extrication of this distortion.
This leads to inadequate purgation behavior following the loss of control over food, which is well visible in bulimia nervosa (bn).
Fortunately, over time it seems that the population’s “average” awareness is increasing to reach, often, a specific level of knowledge rather good.
Especially those who work in the health and fitness environment tend to focus on healthy weight loss, aware of it.
But most importantly, the effectiveness of fat loss in favor of the lean percentage (% FFM).
To avoid any misunderstandings, we must clarify. Knowledge alone is not always able to protect the psyche from certain discomforts.
It is vast the case of people with good cultural level-specific – but which, nevertheless, falls into the pitfall of the disorder of food behavior (DCA).
Suppose a close obsessive balance is observe in the NL.
In that case, the discomfort is concentrating mostly on the body image (typical is the discrepancy between the reflected, actual, and perceived distorted vision).
This broad premise is just to want to make the small population of users lose weight at any cost.
In the end, the aesthetic goal is marginal, temporary, and does not deserve to live in such discomforts as the ones mentioned above.
To find out more:
The Best Way to Lose Weight
Recommendation for how to lose fat.
The biggest problem with people trying to lose fat is that they often don’t know how to proceed.
Collective opinions are almost always discordant, methods of different kinds; in short, all the opposite of everything.
This is how you end up chasing the one who – thanks to his system – has lost (and will certainly make you lose!) 5% of BF without affecting the % FFM.
Sometimes it works, but not always.
If we look at the work of diet professionals, let’s face it, it’s hard to get it wrong.
When you fail to achieve the goal, it is more of motivation and discipline – although it depends on the specific difficulty.
By contrast, philosophies, thinking currents, books, computer programs, and apps do not meet the exact expectations – as do some “trainers.”
This is usually due to many factors, first and foremost a willingness to follow the protocol.
Who finds himself well in one way and who in another. After that, biochemistry is always the same.
But this does not remove the fact that – and this is the most challenging aspect for many people to digest – everyone has potential.
Therefore a genetic, physiological, and resource response, different from others.
But there is an essential and inalienable key factor: the negative caloric balance; you need to consume more calories than you need to consume foods.
How? Calibrating the diet according to total energy consumption and its metabolic status:
- Energy consumption is mainly (not exclusively) dependent on two factors: basal metabolism and motor activity.
- The metabolic status, on the other hand, depends on the ability to manage the nutrients taken:
- The higher the muscle mass and the workout, the better the ability to use carbohydrates and the higher the fat (at rest or during low-intensity efforts) consumption will be.
- Higher the long-term calorie intake (let’s remember that they have to be increased little by little, progressively). The higher the efficiency of building up fat reserves, the better it will respond to the following calorie cut for weight loss.
This is of particular professional interest. Let us now begin by describing what have to do in practice.
To find out more:
Lose Weight in a Month
How to lose fat: Objectives
Before you plan your diet and exercise, the first thing to do is to focus on your goals and set a hypothetical but realistic date. Once the long-term objective has been established, short-term objectives must be set. These should be modest and unambitious, precisely because the time is short for their pursuit.
However, whatever it is, an objective proper should have some peculiarities:
- Specificity: for example, losing 4% of body fat in 8 weeks.
- Measurability: for example, % of body fat by 6-8 fold skin (pleometry) or muscle mass by the circumference
- Modifiable: consideration should be given to reviewing the target and modifying it to make it unrealistic to achieve it during the set period.
- Realistic: for example, a 4% bf loss in 8 weeks is real; in two weeks, however, it would not be.
- Base time: A target date has to be set.
To find out more:
Science of weight loss
How to lose fat: Diet
After setting the target, you study the diet; this is the most critical component for losing fat. That’s 80 to 90 percent of the ultimate success.
It should be seen as a progressive change in lifestyle, easily implemented throughout the year and balanced.
According to Wardlaw & Hampl (2007), the diet should include at least six principles:
- Adequacy: your diet provides enough energy and nutrients to meet your needs;
- Character: no more food with the same characteristics;
- Power control: be aware of their daily energy needs and determine how to obtain nutrients. Do not exceed in calories and use foods with a high nutritional value;
- Heat density VS nutritional density: select foods that provide most nutrients for the minimum energy;
- Moderation: consume with moderation foods that contain many added fats and sugars;
- Variety: change everyday foods.
Useful advice
Here are some tips on a diet for losing fat:
First, it is necessary to establish calorie requirements (there are various methods for calculating daily requirement;
The body mass, height, and level of activity must be examined;
- The first approach to fat loss is to make sure you eat 30% fewer calories per day.
- Depending on how fast or slowly you lose fat, from week to week, you can change and optimize your calorie intake;
- Eat every 2-3 hours. This helps to reduce calorie loads and not to feel hungry;
- Carbohydrates should mainly be complex, proteins with a high biological value and not accompanied by considerable amounts of saturated fat (chicken breast, fish, tuna, lean beef, egg albumin, etc.) and lipids which tend to be unsaturated, with a good intake of essential and semi-essential omega 3;
- Do not eliminate carbohydrates, which must constitute no less than 50 % of the total calories; accepted soluble sugars are naturally found in fruit, vegetables, and milk.
- Avoid too much saturated fat and all trans people, but do not eliminate all lipids, which must constitute 25% of the total calories;
- Consuming vegetables at least twice a day, raw and cooked;
- Consume an adequate amount of healthy protein, not less but also excessive, to prevent muscle loss; in the neophyte training, 1,5 g per kilogram of body weight is sufficient;
- Drink at least 1 ml of water per kcal of energy consumed with the diet; all of that was related to the caloric norm, of course. Approximately 2 liters per day, average;
- Abolish alcohol. Alcohol has no nutritional value but is full of calories;
- Minimize the added salt without however eliminating it, especially in the summer months. Instead, soak up meals with herbs and spices (ginger, cumin, chili, curry, powdered chili, or garlic).
- Eating as natural as possible – ergo: unprocessed;
- Integrate only if necessary with:
- Multivitamin: we should eat many foods to meet CSR / AI.
- Creatine: helps the body recover faster, as well as indirectly helps to increase the levels of lean strength and mass;
- EPA and DHA: no fish in the diet;
- Protein powder: useful in the interval between meals and especially after strength training.
To find out more:
A diet that losing weight
How to lose fat with specificity of the training
Aerobic training to reduce energy balance.
We start from the premise that the best way to promote a negative energy balance is to train for a long time.
To do that, it becomes necessary to lower the intensity.
This explains why high-volume aerobic activity becomes essential for weight loss purposes.
The calories burned directly, however, are not the only important factor. It is the most easily manageable, almost banal component:
- Choose the preferred activity – for example, walking, cycling, running, etc.;
- Perform at least 3 60′ or 5-6 30-40′ weekly workouts;
- Maintain a moderate intensity, including in the low aerobic band.
The only risk – not to go into diseases such as obesity or heart disease – is that moving too much also increases appetite. It will therefore be necessary simply to decrease the workload.
Anaerobic Muscle Enhancement Training
Aerobic training alone is not enough.
You have to activate muscle mass to stimulate the greed of substrates and possibly also growth.
This will improve the use of food carbohydrates, increase EPOC, and consume rest fat, primary metabolism, and aesthetic and functional health.
The intensity is always very high, but metabolic training is mainly focused on stimulating strength resistance while strengthening hypertrophic growth and concentration force.
Regardless of choice, possibly the two protocols will change in the year – in general, according to the principle of specificity.
The training must reflect the main metabolic characteristic of the exercise in question:
- Stress requires high power (weight lifting, speed tests, jumps, weight throwing, drop skis, etc.), training must improve the pure anaerobic component;
- if the stress requires power distributed over a longer time (teamwork, prolonged speed), the anaerobic-lactacid component must be improved;
- If stress is purely aerobic (endurance sports, cross-country skiing, cycling, rowing, running from the bottom up), training must improve aerobic capacity.
The use of overloads
- We must always engage the different systems at a higher level than the normal one.
Given the progressive improvement in athletic capacities, it is clear that the concept of overload must be refined; I mean, you have to increase the load in time.
The selection of the load train shall be proportionate to the subject’s organic condition.
It shall be aimed at a realistic objective.
The main and most common error in training is to crack.
Excessive workload, or poor distribution, is the reason for “overload” problems, which can be mild but can also lead to partial or total incapacity to work.
- Another essential feature of the training is customization.
- All of this creates what is known as an adaptation.
This process occurs because the human body can react to external stimuli by self-modifying to produce an appropriate compensatory reaction.
This differs from a mechanical system (an engine), which is unable to adapt or change.
However, the human body limits its adaptation skills by only reacting to particular stimuli, not to all.
That is why the exercises need to be well-calibrated.
The best fat loss program is the complete one, including weights, cardio (mostly in high-intensity training), and exercise to improve flexibility and joint mobility.
If you’re a beginner, start your two-day workout per week. Otherwise, even split 3-4 days.
Suppose muscle failure, and especially muscle exhaustion, is achieved.
In that case, each part of the body must be trained once a week to allow the right time to recover because of the next training session.
Example of weekly workout plan:
- Monday: Legs and abdomen
- Tuesday: chest and back
- Thursday: Shoulder and Trapezio;
- Friday: Arms and abdomen.
They are always preferred multi-articular exercises; these stimulate increased muscle growth and increased fatigue. They are classic examples of the squat and the detachment from the ground since they use almost all the organism’s muscles.
Other compound exercises may include hip distention for the chest and pull-ups for the back.
Perform at least 2 exercises for each muscle group, with 2-4 series and some repetitions that depend on the specific objective – pure force concentric, hypertrophy, and strength-resistant.
Of course, the purpose is fat loss, but the reinforcement training must still be cycled and varied in the macrocycle. The recoveries also vary for the same reason, from 60” to 3′.
Be sure to always use a good execution form for each exercise to avoid unnecessary risks and injuries.
All reps should be monitored and achieved TUT (time of muscle tension) and specific ratios. The important thing is not what I’m raising, but now I’m growing it.
The training should last up to 50-70 inches, excluding heating.
Change training often, every 6 weeks or so; this seems to be the ideal “non-adaptation period.”
You can also change only the order of the exercises in a session or the serial number and/or repetitions per exercise.
It’s fine, even one exercise at a time. Small adjustments are made over the weeks.