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DHA Omega-3: Does it safe to take Omega-3 Blend?

by | Jun 17, 2021 | Vitamins and Supplements | 0 comments

Fish oil is most useful even though it is disgusting you need to drink. It saves you from diseases and it is better to live without diseases. Also, we will talk about the differences between EPA and DHA.

Health Benefits

Some research data suggest some positive effects of the additional intake of Omega-3 fatty acids. For pregnant and lactating women. For the baby’s weight gain and the health of their nervous system.

As for cancer. It seems that the additional intake of Omega-3 is not associating with a reduction in the overall risk. Although slightly may reduce the likelihood of developing breast cancer and colorectal cancer. But these conclusions require more careful verification.

Contrary to expectations, taking Omega-3 does not improve diseases in children with attention deficit disorder. However, he was able to normalize the psychological state of their parents.

Fish is good. But I will voice my main claim to dietary supplements with Omega-3. In the collective consciousness, Omega-3 is a helpful natural alternative to a statin, this harmful chemical. To reduce cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disasters.

And here is a person after a heart attack with hypertension and diabetes, says: statins, drink them yourself from them. The liver hurts, and I’d instead drink fish oil.

Is it Safe to Take an Omega-3 Blend? (EPA and DHA)

In the summer of 2018, a review of 79 studies, which involved more than 120,000 people. Omega-3 is a mixture of:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • eicosapentaenoic (EPA)
  • docosahexaenoic (DHA)

These trials have shown that the use of EPA and DHA supplements. It has virtually no effect on all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events. That is high-quality data. and probably practically do not affect:

  • cardiovascular mortality
  • mortality from stroke
  • heart attack
  • heart rhythm disorders

Taking a mixture of Omega fatty acids does not affect cardiovascular disasters’ risks. Not in a good way, not in a bad way.

REDUCE-IT Research of EPA and DHA

It would seem that all the topic is closed. But the Reduce-it study appeared, which involved a prescription drug from an American medical technology company. I must say that the drug manufacturer immediately dissociated itself from the rest of the Omega-3 supplements.

In children’s supplements, Omega-3 is a mixture of EPA and DHA acids. And their medication consists exclusively of EPA, devoid of the negative effects of DHA.

For example, an increase in low-density lipoproteins or bad cholesterol, The dose of the drug is unheard of, 4 grams. Which also allows you to dissociate yourself from all other additives.

The Reduce-it study, which everyone refers to, involves patients at high risk of cardiovascular events taking those same statins. And what is characteristic of having elevated triglycerides in this group. And only in this group, taking a new drug at a dose of 4 grams further reduced cardiovascular risks.

On the company’s website, we can find that the FDA recommends this drug to reduce triglycerides.

As always, using Omega-3 for this purpose, to reduce triglycerides, and only for this.

When analyzing the Reduce-it study itself, it was noted that in patients receiving a placebo. The level of low-density lipoproteins, i.e., bad cholesterol, increased by an average of 10%. Thus, the placebo was not so harmless and disrupted the absorption of cholesterol drugs, disrupting the absorption of statins.


There are studies performed according to all the rules of evidence-based medicine, and there are results.

In a person with high cardiovascular risk and high blood triglycerides, it is constantly taking statins. Additional intake of 4 grams of a drug containing pure EPA reduces the risk of cardiovascular accidents by 25%.

Thus, the drug’s effectiveness is proven when we take not instead of statins but together with statins. And if the patient is at high cardiovascular risk and has high blood triglycerides, basic statin therapy. Then, add this medicine, and everyone will be happy.

True, it costs quite a bit.

Listen to your doctor.

Friends. If the doctor has prescribed you a drug, then drink what you have been prescribed. And don’t listen to doctors on Instagram who sell you a useful alternative to this harmful chemical. According to their promo code.

What kind of fish has Omega-3?

But if you don’t want to waste your money. Then my simple advice is: eat fish. Most of the Omega-3 in fish is present in cold seas. These are:

  • wild salmon
  • mackerel
  • sardines

How is Omega-3 produced in fish?

But if the fish is grown on a farm (artificial) and fed with bone meal, cereals, and soy. Then there is nowhere to get Omega-3 in it. The fact is that microalgae initially synthesize the Omega-3 we need. Fish consume them and accumulate Omega-3s in their tissues.

Beware of cheap fakes.

Useful sources:
The effect of feed on the level of Omega-3 in salmon
Effects of feed on the level of Omega-3 in meat
Omega-3 and the risks of major cardiovascular diseases
Blood pressure reduction from Omega-3
Triglycerides, CVD risks and the effect of Omega-3 on them

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