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Walnut: What Happens If You Eat It Every Day

by | May 18, 2021 | Foods

If someone asks me about the most healthy food, I will not hesitate to answer: of course, nuts. And which nut is the most and most helpful? A walnut. Because the walnut contains so many vitamins and trace elements. That many consider it a panacea for many diseases, many studies indicate the possibility of walnut to resist cancer development. The benefits of walnuts are very much. In this article, I will talk about what the walnut does to our body. 

Influence on ancology

A group of scientists from the University of California conducted a very interesting experiment. They fed the rodents walnuts, and the subjects consumed walnuts daily for two weeks.

And the surprising result that studies have shown is that those experimental rats with cancer. Showed a significant slowdown in the rate of its development.

Thus, walnut is not only the prevention of cancer but, in some cases, can even contribute to its treatment. 

Of course, in fairness, it is not necessary to say that walnuts alone can cure severe oncological diseases. Nevertheless, as a great way of prevention, walnuts are worth eating.

Cardiovascular diseases

The next huge plus of walnuts is their ability to prevent cardiovascular diseases. It has long been noted that those countries and those who have many walnuts in their diet. Have a much lower percentage of heart attacks and strokes. And therefore, cardiologists recommend eating walnuts every day.

The fact is that walnuts are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as:

  • Omega-3
  • Omega-6

But what is most interesting, the ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 in walnuts is the most optimal of all nuts. Nutritionists recommend that you consume no more than 4 grams of Omega-6 for every gram of Omega-3.

The problem is that Omega-3 and Omega-6 can act as antagonists. that is, to suppress mutual actions. Thus, Omega-3 contributes to the improvement of the lipid profile. That is a decrease in the development of cholesterol plaques and heart attack, and stroke. But at the same time, Omega-6 acts as an antagonist and can block this beneficial effect. That is why Omega-6 should not be too much in the diet. So in walnut, this ratio is a perfect four to one.

What can not say about many other nuts. Because in such popular nuts as hazelnuts or pistachios, this ratio is not so good.

Because walnuts have a unique effect on the inner lining of our blood vessels. This means that they help prevent the development of diabetes. Moreover, even if people already have diabetes and their blood sugar level is a very relevant issue. It has been proven that even eating 2 grams of walnuts a day can reduce blood sugar.

Chemical Composition of Walnut

Of course, it is worth mentioning the chemical composition. That is, about the micro-nutrients that are contained in our walnuts.

they are indeed very rich in various vitamins, such as:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B1 and B2
  • Nictonic acid
  • Carotene

Walnuts are also high in protein. Moreover, its amino acid composition is excellent. And in its quality and variety, it is not inferior even to meat protein. Moreover, walnuts contain an enzyme called lysine. And thanks to lysine, this same protein is absorbed more easily.

It is also rich in iron. This has a very beneficial effect on our immune system and helps fight anemia and anemia. Moreover, there are suitable reserves of zinc and iodine. And this will provide benefits for our skin, hair, nails, but also the thyroid gland.

And of course, why is it also good for the heart? not only because of Omega-3 but also because there are substances like:

potassium magnesium

And these are the two main minerals for our cardiovascular system.

And of course, the famous antioxidant vitamin E or tocopherol. Is the final cherry on the cake in this mineral vitamin cocktail.

Digestive System by Walnut

The effect of walnuts on our digestive system.

Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania conducted one very revealing experiment. They gathered two groups of subjects. One of them ate as usual. And the other group of those fats that they consumed during the day was replaced with walnut fats. And the results were very revealing.

The group that consumed a significant amount of walnuts increased their gut content of beneficial bacteria. Such as a bacterium as roseburia, Which protects the intestine’s inner lining. And as other beneficial bacteria that improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. and lower our blood pressure.

So in addition to all these wonderful properties, walnut also improves the microflora of our intestines.

How many walnuts should I eat?

First, a small caveat should be made. Some people are allergic to walnuts. If you still have an allergy, you do not need to force yourself in this way. And you need to find another useful replacement. 

If you have no allergies, then it is also not recommended to overdo it with walnuts. Here it is not necessary to eat it in buckets in too large quantities. It is quite enough to eat just a few nuts every day, but every day. It will be quite sufficient for prevention:

  • a large number of diseases
  • to improve your
  • digestive health
  • and of course well-being

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