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Gluten: How it develops and who should avoid it?

by | May 19, 2021 | Foods | 0 comments

Many people are now aware that gluten is very bad; think that it is necessary to avoid it in all possible ways. Well, things aren’t that bleak. Gluten intolerance develops in only one person in a hundred.

Suppose they are natives of northern Europe. And one person out of 250 if they are natives of any more southern areas.

Gluten itself is a harmless substance. It is a protein that is in the composition:

  • Rye
  • Barley
  • Wheat

How GLI-1 works with Gluten

One of those components has the name GLI-1. In people who have gluten intolerance. The immune system reacts to the components of gluten in such a way as if it is its worst enemy. When gluten enters the intestine, it is splitting from it by GLI-1. GLI-1 interacts with antibodies, with the cells of the immune system located on the intestine’s surface. Then it is transported through the intestinal wall, closer to the bloodstream. And it contacts the cells of the immune system that trigger immune responses. That is, they begin to release antibodies they begin to release t-lymphocytes that damage the intestinal walls. First of all, they damage the walls:

  • the duodenum
  • the small intestine
  • the jejunum
  • and the ileum.

But most of all, of course, it goes to the duodenum.

First of all, the duodenum cells and subsequent parts of the digestive system lose their villi.

Villi are such outgrowths on the cells of the small intestine. Which repeatedly increases the area of the intestine.

But if the villi are lost, then naturally, the intestine area decreases. Respectively, the site of absorption decreases. In addition, an inflammatory reaction is also adding. Of course does not contribute to the absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. And so, people who have gluten intolerance become thin and gain weight poorly.

Children have difficulty absorbing vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates. That is, practically, they begin to experience all the same symptoms that starving people experience.

Symptoms by Gluten Intolerance

But in addition, because it is causes disturb by the processes of normal digestion. It naturally disturbs a second time. And the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract appears all sorts of:

  • gas formation
  • bloating
  • pain
  • spasms
  • and other troubles are pretty strong which poison a person’s life. And without that, a person loses weight but also the stomach hurts

In addition, such people slow down the absorption of iron. You should always suspect that a person has gluten intolerance (celiac disease). If he does not have any bleeding, he consumes a sufficient amount of food that contains iron. With gluten intolerance, iron deficiency develops. And this should always be kept in mind. When we can not explain the decrease in iron in the blood in any other way.

10% of people have celiac disease. Develop skin lesions that are similar to herpes. These lesions are visible on the extensor surfaces.

Diagnosis of celiac disease

In response to the presence of gluten, or rather GLI-1, the body begins to produce three types of antibodies. The most accurate diagnostic value of the antibody. That is, which we can take for analysis and look at. Elevated in a person or not.

These are antibodies to tissue trans-glutaminase.

Then you can also determine the antibodies to endomysium. These are antibodies to the muscle cells of the intestinal wall.

And finally, the antibodies themselves are GLI-1. antibodies can be of two types:

  • immunoglobulins a
  • immunoglobulins g

It is advisable to analyze both. But in some people, Class A immunoglobulins are not produced. Therefore, they detect celiac disease only by the presence of class g immunoglobulin antibodies.

It is best to start with suspected celiac disease, of course, with antibodies to tissue trans-glutaminase. This analysis has accuracy and specificity of 98%.

The analysis for antibodies to endomysium is not inferior to it. Similarly, 98% accuracy is specificity.

Finally, you can also determine antibodies to GLI-1.

It is how the diagnosis solves the celiac disease. If this is not enough, they can resort to biopsies, The walls of the intestine, the walls of the duodenum.

Gluten hypersensitivity is not associated with celiac disease. However, in addition to celiac disease, another condition is characterized by developing the same symptoms as gluten intolerance. But it is not mediated by immunity. This condition is called gluten hypersensitivity, which is not associated with celiac disease.

What is their difference?

in the fact that in this condition, contact with gluten causes:

  • inflammation of the intestinal wall
  • diarrhea
  • bloating
  • impaired absorption of nutrients

That is, everything is the same as with celiac disease. But there is no immune response. It is believed that this disease is simply due to direct contact of gluten with the intestinal wall. Without any involvement of antibodies, lymphocytes, and other tricky immunological things.

Even if you have been tested for all markers of gluten intolerance, they are normal. Still, you can’t rule out the possibility that you have a gluten hypersensitivity. not followed immunologically.

So what should I do?

It’s very simple. We need to eliminate gluten for about three weeks. If there is an improvement in the condition. Usually somewhere in the second week after you have excluded gluten from the diet. If the reason was precisely in it. You begin to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. That is, you begin to feel better, bloating, diarrhea, pain, disappear.

And in principle from a practical point of view. We don’t care if we have immunologically mediated celiac disease or have immunological hypersensitivity to gluten.

In any case, we will have to exclude gluten from life as a class. Therefore, even to save on analysis, you can resort to this option. If you think you may have celiac disease, you are worried about dyspepsia if you have these unexplained symptoms. You can remove gluten from your diet for three weeks. If you are successful, you will return to normal, and then you can re-introduce some gluten-containing foods into your diet. And to see that the symptoms have resumed, then you will get two pieces of evidence.

The remedies relieve the symptoms, and the injections cause these symptoms.

And everyone ruled out gluten, and the prognosis has been positive ever since.

Health forecasts become the same for the rest of the population in those who exclude from their diet. With celiac disease or simply with gluten hypersensitivity.

Well, if this case is not treated, what will happen?

chronic inflammation that is caused by celiac disease.

First: it can lead to various disorders in the intestinal wall. And these disorders can give the prerequisites for tumor growth. That is, for the occurrence of bowel cancer.

Secondly: in itself, a violation of the absorption of nutrients also does not do anything good for health.

So it is better to recognize in time either celiac disease or simply gluten intolerance. And eliminate gluten from your diet.

Well, for all the others who do not have any symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. In principle, you should not limit yourself to valuable products in cereals. Because no matter what anyone says, there are cereals such as wheat, rye, and barley. For about 10,000 years, people have been eating, and apparently, this is not the worst food.

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