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Quit Smoking Before 35: Lungs feel like new again

by | Dec 2, 2022 | Health | 0 comments


Smoking is a habit that most of us have tried at least once. But it is one of the hardest habits to break because of its addictive nature. For most people, quitting smoking becomes easier when they are older and wiser. But if you want to quit now, you need to be aware that your lungs will be affected by this decision for the rest of your life.

How can your lungs return to normal after quitting smoking?

Your lungs will start to heal within 6 months of quitting. If you quit smoking before the age of 35, they will return to normal in about 5 years.

The damage done by smoking can’t be reversed, but it can be stopped from getting worse. Your lungs will start healing immediately after your last cigarette. And get better every day that follows until they’re back to their full capacity after about 6 months without cigarettes.

In addition to having better lung capacity than someone who has never smoked. If you quit smoking before 35, your risk for certain diseases goes down too:

  • heart disease and stroke are reduced by half
  • cancer risks go down 30-40% (depending on the type)
  • death from all causes decreases by two-thirds!

It’s hard to quit smoking, but it’s worth it.

When you stop smoking, your body begins to repair itself. It takes about a year for your blood pressure, cholesterol and lung function to return to normal.

After a few years of not smoking, your risk of heart disease drops dramatically. After 15 years of not smoking, the risk that lung cancer will develop in people who have never smoked is almost the same. As it is for those who have never smoked at all.

What science says

Quitting smoking is a good idea. Regardless of your age, quitting can help you live longer and feel better.

Smoking is bad for your health. It can lead to lung cancer, heart disease and stroke. Smoking can also cause asthma in young adults who don’t already have it. Quitting smoking improves the symptoms of asthma in adults who already have it. And may reduce their chances of getting it in the first place if they didn’t grow up with asthma (like kids do today). Smoking reduces your life expectancy by an average of 13 years. Because it damages almost every organ in the body—including male reproductive organs that make sperm cells necessary for reproduction.

Smoking also makes it harder for your body to fight off infections, especially when you have asthma. If you smoke, quitting is the single most important thing you can do to improve your health and protect yourself from serious illness.

The details of the study of who quit smoking

In this study, the team of researchers at the University of Kentucky sought to identify factors that may lead to earlier death among smokers. They collected data from over 1,000 people aged 35-70 who were enrolled in a national health survey. The participants were asked about their smoking status and habits. Including how often they smoked cigarettes and how long they had been doing so.

The results showed that smoking has an impact on mortality regardless of age, sex, or race/ethnicity. However, there was one particularly notable finding: quitting smoking before the age of 35 could significantly reduce your risk of early death by as much as 50%. This means that even if you were born in the 1960s or 1970s (before widespread knowledge about the risks associated with tobacco), quitting now can still help you improve your overall health and lifespan!

The researchers also found that the risk of death was reduced by 25% for those who stopped smoking before the age of 50. So if you’re reading this and thinking “wow, I really need to quit smoking ASAP!” then we have good news: you can still take advantage of this study’s findings and improve your health in general!

While it’s true that quitting smoking can help you live longer, this isn’t the only benefit of stopping. In fact, it’s just one of many ways that quitting can improve your life overall! -If you are a smoker or former smoker, you probably know how hard it can be to quit. You may have tried numerous times before and failed due to stress or depression (or simply because you didn’t know how). But with the right knowledge about what works for others, as well as some advice from professionals who understand addiction and recovery, it is possible to quit smoking for good.

Cutting down on cigarettes also makes a difference

You may have tried cutting down on cigarettes in the past, but it didn’t work. Maybe you just couldn’t resist temptation and wound up smoking more than you intended. But now that you know how harmful smoking can be, and how much of an impact it has on your health, would you ever go back to being a full-time smoker?

No way! If quitting completely isn’t your preferred choice right now—and that’s okay!—then there are still lots of ways to cut down on cigarettes without feeling like you’re missing out. You’ll feel great knowing that every cigarette you don’t smoke is one step closer to becoming a non-smoker someday.

Cutting down on cigarettes is a great way to start weaning yourself off of the habit. The less you smoke, the easier it will be to quit completely—and eventually, you’ll be able to give up cigarettes entirely!

Your lungs will heal within half a year of quitting.

The good news is that you can stop smoking and your lungs will quickly return to normal. Within six months of quitting, your lungs will have stopped shrinking, and your coughing should decrease significantly. In two years’ time, your lung capacity and function will be much better than it was when you started smoking.

However, it’s important to note that the damage is permanent. Even if you quit smoking at age 35, your lungs will never be as healthy as they were before you started smoking.

Quitting smoking improves your quality of life.

The benefits reaped by quitting smoking are far-reaching. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), quitting smoking can improve your health and quality of life in many ways:

  • You’re less likely to develop heart disease, stroke, and cancer. More than 80 percent of all lung cancers are caused by smoking.
  • Your sense of smell and taste will be restored. Smokers have reduced senses of smell and taste compared with non-smokers due to nicotine damage to the olfactory nerve, which connects the nose directly to certain parts of the brain responsible for processing these senses.
  • You’ll breathe easier than ever before! Smokers have less capacity than non-smokers do because they tend not to breathe deeply or fully enough while they smoke cigarettes due to nicotine addiction — which makes them more likely not only get shortness but also cause long terms diseases such as COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
  • And if you care about living longer so that you can enjoy sex at an older age too…think again! Men who smoke 1 or more packs per day were found 35 percent more likely than nonsmoking men their age (who averaged 72 years old) had erectile dysfunction compared with those who did not report any ED symptoms over two months’ time period; whereas those who didn’t smoke at all had only 3 percent higher risk overall compared with nonusers

You’ll have more energy to accomplish things when you quit smoking.

A lot of people don’t realize that smoking reduces energy. After all, it’s a stimulant, right? But that’s not the whole story.

When you quit smoking at age 35 and onward, you’ll have more energy to do things like go to work, play with your kids and clean your house. Cigarette smoke has many negative effects on the lungs, including making it hard to breathe deeply and efficiently. When you stop smoking and begin breathing normally again, you’ll feel like a new person—and be able to accomplish much more!

In addition to having more energy overall after quitting cigarettes before 35:

  • Your skin will look better because of less irritation from cigarette smoke (and fewer wrinkles).
  • You’ll smell and taste food better than ever before! No need for extra salt or seasoning; most foods will naturally taste better when they’re not tainted by cigarette smoke’s harsh flavorings or chemicals from burning tobacco leaves during combustion processes involved in regular cigarette consumption cycles (or “smoke-rings”).

Quitting smoking is an important first step for a healthier future.

Quitting smoking is an important first step for a healthier future. Your lungs will heal within half a year of quitting, and once they do, the benefits are almost immediate. You’ll have more energy to accomplish the things you want to do in life; you may even be able to cut down on cigarettes and still make a difference.


Quitting smoking is hard, but it gets easier with time. The benefits are worth the struggle. You’ll have more energy to accomplish things when you quit smoking, and your lungs will heal within half a year. Quitting smoking improves your quality of life and can even prevent cancer from developing in your lifetime. If you’re ready to make a change in your life and start living longer with fewer health problems, then now’s the time!

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