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Thirsty During Menstruation? Tips For Surviving

by | Sep 7, 2022 | Menstruation | 0 comments


Menstruation is a normal part of life for women. That doesn’t mean they’re always pleasant, however. In fact, sometimes your period can make you feel downright lousy! Fortunately, there’s one part of Menstruation that can be easily addressed: dehydration. Dehydration occurs when your body loses more fluid than it takes in; in the case of periods, this can happen due to blood loss or because you simply don’t drink enough water on a regular basis. It’s easy for things like headaches and cramping to get worse if you aren’t properly hydrated—and drinking lots of water is one way to relieve some menstrual discomfort quickly and effectively!

The average woman loses 30 to 40 milliliters, or 6 to 8 teaspoons, of blood during her period.

It’s a good idea to be aware of how much you lose during your period. An average woman loses 30-40 ml, or 6-8 teaspoons, of blood during her period. This is about the same amount as you would lose if you cut your finger with a knife or accidentally bit your lip hard enough to draw blood. It’s also about half the amount that makes up a typical male ejaculate. Not exactly an alarming amount!

You may find this information reassuring if you happen to have been worrying about the volume of blood left over after menstruation—but don’t let it lull you into complacency either: A small amount can still add up over time and cause big problems for our bodies by depriving us of nutrients we need for health and wellness (especially iron).

If you’re bleeding heavily, you may need to drink more water during menstruation.

If you’re bleeding heavily, you may need to drink more water.

Here’s how to know if you’re bleeding heavily:

  • The amount of blood lost varies from woman to woman and cycle to cycle.
  • The color of the blood can help determine the amount lost. If it’s bright red, there’s less loss than if it’s darker in color.
  • You’ll also want to determine whether or not your flow is heavy or light—this is a subjective measurement based on what feels normal for you personally. If it feels like a lot compared with how much your flow has been lately (and as long as there are no other symptoms), then chances are good that this was a heavier bleed overall.”If you have these symptoms,” says Dr. Harvey Kliman of NYU Langone Medical Center’s Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, “you should contact your doctor immediately.”

Keeping a water bottle with you can help remind you to drink up!

Keeping a water bottle with you at all times is a great way to help keep your body hydrated. It’s important to have a water bottle that is easy to carry around with you, so it should either be small enough to fit in your purse or backpack, or large enough that it won’t spill if it falls out of your bag.

If you’re using a wide-mouth bottle, filling it up will be easier than if you were using one with a narrow opening because the spout will allow more liquid through while pouring into the container. You can also use this method to fill up other containers such as sports bottles (which often come with convenient carrying straps) or even mason jars!

Some foods and beverages are healthy sources of hydration.

You can also get some of your hydration from foods and beverages. Water is the most important source of hydration, but other healthy options include:

  • Sports drinks
  • Juices
  • Coffee and tea (black, green, or white)

Don’t wait until you feel thirsty to hydrate during menstruation.

Don’t wait until you feel thirsty to hydrate. Instead, drink water before you feel thirsty. The body doesn’t need much water to function but it does need a steady supply of it. Drink eight 8oz glasses of water every day and make sure that at least half of them are consumed before noon. You can also get your daily dose by adding fruits and veggies to your diet that contain a lot of water (like cucumbers) or even drinking juice made from these foods!

This is especially important for women during their menstrual cycle because in general there is more blood flow on this day than at any other time during the month so naturally. There will be more fluid loss through sweating as well as urinating more often which means getting extra fluids needs to happen regularly throughout the week rather than just one time per day like most people do with their daily exercise routines or work schedule

Being dehydrated can make your Menstruation symptoms worse.

Dehydration can make your PMS symptoms worse, including cramping and bloating. The amount of water you need to drink is different for everyone, but the general guidelines are 8 cups a day or 64 ounces if you’re trying to lose weight.

If you think you’re dehydrated and have been exercising intensely or in a hot environment, then it’s best that you have a sports drink instead of just plain water because those will replenish your electrolytes faster than plain water would.

Drinking too much water can be dangerous.

While drinking water is a great way to stay hydrated, there is such a thing as drinking too much water. One study showed that drinking over 2 liters of plain water per day can lead to hyponatremia. Which is a condition in which sodium levels in your blood drop below the normal range. Drinking too much plain water can cause you to flush out sodium and electrolytes from your body faster than they’re being replaced by nutrition or sports drinks. Your body may not be able to function normally without enough electrolytes for proper muscle function and regulation of other important bodily functions like heart rate and blood pressure.

If you’re exercising or are otherwise sweating heavily during your period, it’s best to drink sports drinks or other fluids containing electrolytes instead of just plain water since they’ll help replace what you’re losing through sweat more quickly than H2O will alone

Women lose fluid during their monthly periods, so it’s important for them to drink plenty of water.

Women lose fluid during their monthly periods, so it’s important for them to drink plenty of water. Being dehydrated can make PMS symptoms worse. Drinking too much water can be dangerous and cause the body to become overloaded with fluids.

To help ensure you’re staying hydrated, try drinking half your body weight in ounces every day. That’s about sixty ounces of water for someone who weighs 130 pounds! You’ll want to keep a water bottle with you at all times. So that you are reminded to drink up throughout the day. And also so that if there is an emergency, people know where they can find you.


In the end, it’s probably best to err on the side of caution when you’re making a decision about how much water to drink during your period. If you feel like you’re losing a lot of fluid and are dehydrated. Then drinking more water is probably not going to hurt. But if you’re already drinking enough fluids, then don’t worry too much about it! It’s always better to be safe than sorry

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