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Foamy urine? Causes and remedies

by | Sep 1, 2022 | Health | 0 comments


If your urine looks like it’s foamy or frothy, you might be doing a double take. While foaminess in urine is not normal and can indicate a serious condition, it’s also not something to worry about. In most cases, it is just an annoyance that should not be cause for alarm. Still, if you notice this happening on a regular basis or if your pee becomes frothy after drinking certain beverages, see your doctor right away to rule out more serious causes.

Healthy individuals may have some foamy urine from time to time.

If you have foamy urine, don’t panic. It doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with you. It can be caused by many things, and most of them don’t require any treatment. Many healthy individuals may experience foamy urine from time to time (more on this later).

If your doctor has determined that your foamy urine is not a sign of an underlying condition or disease, then the next step is figuring out why it’s happening in the first place. There are many potential causes for a person to have foamy urine, some serious and some less so:

Is foamy urine dangerous?

Foamy urine is not always dangerous, but it can be a sign of something serious. For example, foamy urine may mean you have kidney disease—but it also could be caused by dehydration or even taking some over-the-counter medications. If your doctor recommends treatment for your foamy urine, they will likely want to test your overall health as well.

So what do you do if you have foamy urine? Talk to your doctor immediately! Your physician will take some tests and let you know whether or not there are any reasons for concern.

What are the possible causes of foamy urine?

What causes foamy urine?

  • Obesity and diabetes. The obese tend to have a greater volume of urine, which can cause it to foam when it comes into contact with air. Their enlarged fat cells also produce more fatty acids, which lead to protein breakdown and the formation of ketone bodies. Diabetes mellitus is another disease that can cause urinary foaming due to excess glucose in the urine, which is excreted through the kidneys along with other waste products like urea and creatinine.
  • Kidney disease or kidney stones: If you have kidney problems or are experiencing kidney stones, you may experience foamy urine because your kidneys are not able to remove all of their contents from your body properly. Additionally, if you suffer from the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), you may notice this symptom since COPD affects how well your lungs work and therefore how well they remove carbon dioxide from your blood supply (i). This can result in an increased amount of carbon dioxide being present in your bloodstream with no way for it to escape except through exhalation—and ultimately onto some unlucky surface below!

All of these conditions can cause foamy urine, but it’s important to note that they can also be caused by other factors. If you notice your pee is foaming and you don’t have any of these issues, it’s best to talk to your doctor about what could be causing this symptom.

A dipstick test can test for protein in your urine during a routine exam.

If you have colorectal cancer, your doctor may order a dipstick test to check for protein in your urine. This quick and easy procedure can be done in either the doctor’s office or at home. Typically, it will take only a few minutes of your time to administer the test and review its results.

The procedure involves a simple dipstick test that measures protein levels in urine samples collected from patients’ bodies. This is done by testing one sample of urine at a time with a dipstick that has been pre-coated with an indicator dye (like methylene blue).

Foamy urine can indicate serious underlying conditions and should be reported to a doctor for further analysis and care.

If your urine is foamy, it’s important to get it checked out by a doctor. Foamy urine can be a sign of an underlying condition that requires further analysis and care.

Foamy urine can indicate serious underlying conditions, including:

  • Kidney disease
  • Diabetes mellitus (or diabetes)
  • Liver disease
  • Prostate disease (such as prostate cancer)

When should you see a doctor?

If you are experiencing other symptoms, such as pain in the kidney area or a family history of kidney disease, it’s a good idea to get checked out by your doctor. In some cases, it can be an early sign of another condition that could require treatment.

Your doctor will want to know:

  • How much fluid you drink each day and how often you urinate
  • Whether or not there is blood in your urine (hematuria)
  • How long this has been going on

Foamy urine can be due to different things, most of which are not serious. If you are concerned about your urine, talk to your doctor.

It can be due to a variety of things and is not usually serious. If you are concerned about your urine, talk to your doctor. Here are some common causes of foamy urine:

  • Protein levels in the blood are higher than normal (proteinuria)
  • Dehydration or excess water intake
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • Medications that cause excess urination

Your doctor may request a 24-hour urine collection to determine the amount of protein you excrete each day.

You might have a 24-hour urine test done to find out how much protein is in your urine. This test can help determine if you have a kidney problem, like kidney disease or diabetes, or if it’s caused by another condition such as an infection or blockage of one of the kidneys’ tubes (the ureters).

To perform this test, your doctor will ask you to collect all the urine you produce over 24 hours, usually starting just after midnight and ending before midnight of the following day. You’ll pour this into containers throughout the day and then bring it back to your doctor’s office where they’ll use laboratory equipment to analyze it for protein content.


Ultimately, whether or not your foamy urine is severe depends on its cause. If you are concerned about your foamy urine, contact your doctor. He or she will be able to perform tests and determine whether or not there’s cause for alarm.

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