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Why can’t you tie your shoes? Stretching tips

by | Sep 26, 2022 | Fitness | 0 comments


If you’re having trouble tying your shoes, it could be because you haven’t been stretching. Stretching is one of the best ways to keep yourself flexible and mobile as you get older. It can also help prevent injuries and make everyday activities like walking and sitting more comfortable. But stretching isn’t as easy as it sounds—you have to do it correctly! In this article, we’ll talk about how to stretch gently so that your muscles don’t tear when they’re under stress, plus some tips for keeping up with your stretches each week. By the end of this blog post, you’ll know all about how to take care of those important tendons and ligaments in your feet (and everywhere else!).

Stretch gently

  • Stretch gently. Stretching should be a little uncomfortable, but not painful. It should not hurt or cause pain anywhere in your body. If it does, you’re doing something wrong!
  • Warm up before you begin stretching. A good way to warm up is by walking around and loosening up your muscles for five minutes before starting your stretches. This will increase blood flow to the area, which helps loosen muscles before they are stretched and makes them less likely to tear or strain while stretching (which can lead to injury). You can also warm up by rotating your ankles clockwise ten times and then counterclockwise twenty times; this gets blood flowing into the area so that when we start our exercise routine, everything is ready for action!

Don’t bounce while stretching

It’s tempting to bounce when you’re trying to stretch your foot and pull your heel back towards you. But if you do this while tying your shoe, you may end up with a painful injury. Bouncing can cause micro-tears in muscles (called “rhabdomyolysis”), and overstretching can lead to a reduced range of motion later on. Additionally, bouncing means that you lose control of the position of your foot and ankle—if you lose your balance or don’t finish tying your shoe properly, then it could be very dangerous!

Breathe and relax

Breathing and relaxing are key to stretching your feet. If you’re feeling stressed, it can be hard to relax as you try to stretch your feet. Try taking a few deep breaths before starting and maintaining slow, steady breaths while stretching.

Try not to over-stretch; this can cause more pain than good. Instead, focus on finding a comfortable range of motion for each area of the foot that needs stretching, such as the sole or ball of the foot.

Hold your stretch for at least 15 minutes

The minimum amount of time to hold a stretch is 15 minutes, but the longer you can hold it, the better. This will help you get more flexibility out of your stretches by giving them more time to work.

If you’re not sure how long to hold a stretch, try this: When holding the stretch (in any position), start counting seconds in your head until you think about something else for 2 or 3 seconds. The first number that comes into your head when you stop thinking about that thing is probably around how long it takes for you to get distracted and lose concentration on what you’re doing—which also means it’s probably about how long it takes for that particular muscle group to relax once held properly!

Repeat each stretch two to four times, but don’t do too many stretches in one session

Stretching is a great way to improve flexibility and range of motion. But it isn’t just for athletes. Anyone can benefit from stretching, even if you don’t want to be as flexible as an Olympic gymnast.

Stretching can help keep you mobile, which is important as we age and our joints stiffen up. Stretching also improves posture by lengthening tight muscles that pull us forward or round our shoulders forward (which tightens the neck). If we have tight hamstrings (the muscles at the back of our thighs), this can cause bow leggedness or knock-knees; stretching these muscles helps alleviate those symptoms.

Don’t forget to warm up first before any stretching

Don’t forget to warm up first! Warming up prepares your body for the stretches you’ll be doing and helps prevent injury. This is especially important if you’re over 40 years old, since older people are more prone to muscle injuries. Before any activity, take 5 minutes or so to stretch out your muscles as gently as possible; this will increase flexibility and reduce risk of injury.

For example:

  • Do 10 squats while holding onto something sturdy like a doorframe or chairback.
  • Hold each stretch for 30 seconds before moving on to the next one (you’ll have an infographic later with photos of all these stretches).

Stretching can help keep you flexible and mobile if you do it correctly

Stretching can help keep you flexible and mobile if you do it correctly. It’s important for maintaining flexibility and mobility, which in turn can help reduce the risk of injury. Stretching is also a great way to warm up before exercise, as well as relax after exercise.

If you’re interested in getting started with stretching but don’t know where to begin, try these simple tips:

  • Watch your posture—many people have poor posture because they sit hunched over at their desks all day long or drive around with poor posture in their cars. If this sounds like you, try standing up straight while sitting at your desk (or while driving). This will help improve how much space is between your vertebrae and reduce any stress on them that could lead to back pain later on.* Use proper breathing techniques when doing stretches—breathing correctly helps ensure that oxygen can get into every part of your body; if one area isn’t receiving enough oxygenated blood because there’s too much tension in it (i.e., from overstretching), then the other parts won’t receive adequate amounts either! So make sure not only are


That’s all there is to it! Remember that stretching takes time, but with a consistent routine and a few good habits, you can keep your body healthy.

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