The wall stretch is a simple way to improve your flexibility and range of motion. It’s particularly helpful for people who sit at their desks all day and have a hard time getting up from the computer or from their car after work. If you do this stretch on a regular basis, you’ll notice that your hips will feel more flexible and mobile.
What are the wall stretch benefits?
- Strengthens the lower back
- Improves flexibility
- Improves posture
- Relieves lower back pain and sciatica
- Improves balance
There are many benefits to doing wall stretches. They can help you to:
- Strengthen your core muscles, improving your posture, overall strength, and endurance. This is particularly important if you sit at a desk all day!
- Stretch out your hips, hamstrings, and thighs (as well as calves and ankles) – this can relieve tightness in these areas that come from everyday activities like walking or running.
How to do wall stretches
You can do this stretch with your back against a wall or with your feet up on a chair, bench, or box.
- Stand with your feet flat on the floor and your arms straight in front of you against the wall.
- Bend both knees and keep them bent if you feel pain.
- Press your lower back into the wall as much as possible (you should feel it pressing into you). If this does not help, try placing one hand behind you on the floor for support. If that still doesn’t work, bend one knee at a time until it feels comfortable enough to press into the wall without pain.
- Try to touch your toes if possible; otherwise, just relax and breathe deeply during this stretch for 30 seconds before repeating it on both sides.
When should I do the wall stretch?
The wall stretch can be done anytime you feel like your muscles are tight or stiff, including:
- After a workout.
- Before bed.
- If you’re feeling stiff or tight in any part of your body.
How often should I do the wall stretch?
You should do the wall stretch daily. How often you should do it depends on your fitness level, but if you are new to stretching and want to get started, try three times a week. If you are already in shape and looking to improve your flexibility, five times a week would be ideal.
Difficulty getting hips close to the wall
- Keep your knees straight.
- Maintain proper alignment by keeping your hips as close to the wall as possible. If you find that you’re pushing them away from the wall, stop and correct this by leaning back slightly (keeping both feet on the floor).
- Do not bend at the knee(s) or lean forward or backward while performing this stretch.
Difficulty keeping knees straight
Stretching is all about keeping a long, straight line. So don’t forget to keep your knees straight and your hips close to the wall. This will help prevent injury and allow you to stretch further than you might otherwise be able.
Also, don’t pull your hips too far away from the wall – in fact, try not to move them at all! If you have difficulty maintaining this position (for example if it feels like your knees are going over your ankles), then that’s okay—just go as far as feels comfortable for now. And don’t worry about bending backward; just focus on keeping everything above knee level straight and calm any nervousness with slow breathing techniques such as yoga-style pranayama breathing or basic deep breathing exercises until things feel more natural again.*
Back pain or discomfort
If you’re experiencing back pain, it can be difficult to know what to do. There are a number of causes for back pain and discomfort—and these can vary depending on the type of pain you’re experiencing. In general, there are two types of pains: nociceptive and neuropathic. Nociceptive pains are caused by damage to the tissue or bone structures in your spine, while neuropathic pain is caused by injury or damage to nerves in your body (for example, after an accident).
Because there are so many different causes for back pain and discomfort, the best way to treat it depends on what has caused it in the first place. For example:
- Nociceptive pains often respond well to massage therapy because they’re usually related directly with muscle soreness or inflammation in one part of your body or another.* Neuropathic pains will usually respond better if they’re treated with medication rather than massage therapy because they have more complex causes that may include damaged nerves themselves.* If you have chronic radiating nerve symptoms such as numbness down both legs when sitting upright then treatment options aren’t as clear cut as usual but could include physiotherapy sessions designed specifically around spinal rehabilitation exercises aimed at strengthening muscles alongside other non-invasive treatments such as acupuncture which has been shown clinically effective against reducing nerve sensitivity levels among sufferers who had never received any other kind before now!
If you feel pain in your back or hips when doing a wall stretch, you can try bending your knees instead.
If you find that bending your knees helps relieve pressure on your back and hips, you can also try moving them closer to the wall. This will take some of the weight off of your back and hips so they don’t have to stretch as much.
If this still doesn’t relieve pain or discomfort, you can use a towel or yoga strap to help pull yourself closer to the wall. A towel wrapped around both feet will allow for more control over how far down you go (and therefore how much pressure is put on your back). If using a strap, wrap it around both feet with one end in each hand (see photo below). Then begin by walking into downward-facing dog before pressing down into a chair pose with straight arms while pulling toward yourself at the same time. This not only brings more weight onto those shoulders but also makes sure that there’s nothing holding up behind them either!
What are some common mistakes people make doing the wall stretch?
- Bending your knees. This is a common mistake people make when they’re doing the wall stretch. The wall should be supporting your hips and pelvis, not your knees!
- Sitting on the floor. Some people will sit on their feet instead of standing up so that they can lean against the wall more easily. But this takes away from the benefits of having tension in both legs and also makes it harder to balance correctly when you’re leaning forward slightly (if you’re having trouble balancing, try putting one foot on top of a chair).
- Keeping your hips too far from the wall. You may feel like you have a better range of motion if you move back farther from the wall, but this actually limits how much tension is created across your hamstrings (the muscles running down each side of your thighs). If anything, try bringing yourself closer to—not farther away from—the wall until it feels like there’s enough resistance to hold yourself up without bending over any further than necessary during each repetition.[1]
Can I hurt myself doing a wall stretch?
The wall stretch is a safe, effective way to improve flexibility. It can be used to help relieve back pain and tightness. If you have any injuries or medical conditions, it’s always best to check with your doctor first before doing the wall stretch.
The wall stretch is an effective stretch for improving flexibility.
The wall stretch is an effective stretch for improving flexibility. You can do it at home, in the office, at the gym or even in a park. It’s easy to do and doesn’t require any equipment.
- Get into a lunge position with your right foot on the floor and your left knee on the ground so you are leaning back against a wall with both palms resting flat on it for support.
- Slowly lower yourself until you feel a gentle stretch in your hips, glutes, and quads while keeping your back straight (do not round). For more intensity, bring your chest closer to the wall by bending forward at the waist slightly over time as you become more flexible.[1]
- Once you have reached this point hold this posture for 30 seconds before repeating it on another side of the leg.
Stretching can be a valuable part of your exercise routine, but it’s important to make sure that you do it correctly. If you feel any pain or discomfort while doing the wall stretch, stop immediately and consult with a medical professional before continuing.