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How many times a week should you run?

by | Sep 15, 2022 | Running | 0 comments


If you’re a runner, you know how important it is to keep yourself fit and healthy. But how often should you run? And what kind of running plan will work best for your goals? The answer depends on many factors: How much experience do you have with running? Do you want to train for a marathon or just stay in shape? Are there certain times of the year when your body needs more rest than usual? Your answers to these questions will determine the right amount of running for your needs—and understanding those needs is crucial if you want to get into shape while avoiding injuries.

Understand the purpose of your run activity before you make a plan.

Before you make a plan to run regularly, it’s important to understand the purpose of your running. Your goal could be one of many things: a personal achievement such as finishing a race or completing a distance for the first time; improving your fitness level; or even just getting some fresh air and moving your body after sitting at a desk all day.

Once you know what motivates you, it will be easier to decide how often you want (and need) to run each week. If your goal is based on health and fitness alone, then running two times per week may be sufficient—but if you’re training for an upcoming event like a 5K or marathon, then four or five days per week might be necessary for optimal results.*

Take into account your “fitness age” and previous experience with running.

If you have never run before, your fitness age will likely be the same as your chronological age. If this is the case, running once or twice a week should be enough to keep you from getting injured. Once you’ve been running for a few years, though (or if you are older than 40), it’s best to build up slowly so that your body doesn’t get overwhelmed by the sudden increase in activity. For example:

  • If your “running age” is 20 years old and your actual age is 30 years old (fitness age = 10), then try running only three times per week at first until your body adapts over time. After a few months go by and if things still feel okay then make sure that they stay on track with this plan by increasing mileage slowly over time until reaching four times per week (2 days of higher intensity workouts).
  • If your “running age” is 40 but actual age is 50-60 (fitness age = 10), then try starting off with two days of high-intensity workouts followed by one day of lower-intensity exercise like walking or swimming before returning back home for some restful sleep! You can also decrease distance slightly during these early stages until being able to complete an entire session without feeling exhausted afterward.”

Make sure you understand what kind of training you’re doing.

When you’re training for a race, the amount of running will depend on the distance. If you are training for a marathon, then it is recommended that you run up to 20 miles per week. For half marathons and shorter distances, 10-15 miles per week is sufficient.

The number of days per week should be determined by how fast your body can recover from intense workouts, which means that some people may want to train seven days while others only three or four times each week. When figuring out how many days per week to run, think about whether or not there are any other activities like cross-training (like swimming) in addition to running itself that need to be factored into this decision as well.

It’s good to run somewhere in the range of 2-4 times per week, depending on your goals.

The key to the right amount of running is that it’s a personal thing. If you’re new to running, it’s best to start slow and work your way up. But if you’ve been running for years, then maybe you can push yourself a little more each time.

If your goal is simply getting in shape and staying healthy, then 2-3 times per week might be enough for you. If you want to run a marathon or do another kind of long-distance race, 4-5 times per week is probably better (at least until you get close to race day). But remember: You should never feel like the amount of exercise is too much – even if it seems like overkill at first!

As we mentioned earlier in this article – when it comes to how often should I work out? – there’s no one right answer; everyone has different needs! It all depends on our goals and what kind of lifestyle we want ourselves to live every day…

Make an effort to get cross-training in while you’re not running.

When you’re injured, you can’t run. But cross-training—that is, doing any activity that’s not running—can help you maintain fitness while you’re sidelined. It also helps keep your spirits up, which is an important part of staying motivated to get healthy and back on the road as soon as possible.

Here are some examples of good cross-training activities:

  • Cycling or spinning classes
  • Swimming laps at the pool
  • Rowing on an indoor machine at the gym (or using rowing machines outdoors if it’s warm enough)

Any running is good, but more isn’t always better.

You should be running at least twice a week, and no more than four times. There is no benefit to running more often than that.

You don’t have to feel guilty if you run less than this. You can still get benefits, but the longer you run for the better results.

Running doesn’t need to be competitive or hard work; it’s about enjoyment and pushing yourself when it feels right (and stopping when it doesn’t).

The right amount of run for you depends on your experience and your goals

  • Do you run regularly?
  • What are your goals?
  • How much time do you have to train?
  • Are you healthy and injury-free?
  • An athlete who has been running for years may not need to run as many miles as a beginner, because their body is more accustomed to it. You can also train harder or longer than someone who is new to running and hasn’t built up their endurance yet. The same goes for experienced athletes: If you’re training for an ultra-marathon, then those extra miles will help build up your stamina even more!
  • If you’re relatively new to running, it may be wise not to push yourself too hard right away—injuries are common among beginners. Start with small doses of exercise: maybe three times per week at first, gradually increasing over time as your body gets ready for the activity. Then increase intensity by adding hills or distance; eventually, add speedwork such as sprints or intervals into your routine if possible (for example, alternating between walking and jogging). After all that hard work building up those miles under your belt (pun intended), don’t forget about recovery! It’s important not only so that we don’t injure ourselves but also so we can enjoy ourselves again later on down the road – aka keep on running 🙂


Running is a great way to stay in shape and enjoy the outdoors, but it’s important to remember that there’s no one right amount of running for everyone. You should first figure out what kind of runner you want to be and then base your training on that goal. For example, if you want to train for marathons or half-marathons, you’ll need lots of miles under your belt before race day arrives! On the other hand, if you’re just looking for some exercise without pressure then stick with two or three times per week (or every other day if possible).

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