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How to train your muscles before skiing or skating

by | Feb 11, 2023 | Fitness | 0 comments


The winter months are here, but if you’re not ready for them yet, it’s time to start preparing. Sure, there are plenty of ways to keep fit year-round that don’t involve the outdoors—but what fun is that? If you want to be ready for those ski trips and ice skating excursions, then use these tips to get yourself in shape:


Warming up is important for a couple of reasons. First, it helps to prevent injuries by increasing blood flow, loosening muscles, and preparing the body for activity. Second, warming up increases the core temperature which allows muscles to contract more powerfully and efficiently–essentially making them stronger. Finally, warming up increases flexibility by increasing the range of motion in your joints (think about how much easier it is to bend over when you’re tired than when you’re fresh).

Stretch your legs before you start working out.

Stretching is important before and after exercise. Stretching helps prevent injury, aids muscle soreness and recovery improves performance, and can help you avoid injuries.

  • Before you work out: Stretching for five to 10 minutes can reduce your risk of injury by as much as 20 percent. Start with basic moves such as quadriceps stretches (standing with one leg bent at the knee), hamstring stretches (lying on your back with one leg extended), or calf stretches (standing with one foot flat on the floor).
  • After exercising: After exercising for about an hour or so, stretch again–this time holding each pose for 30 seconds or more–to promote flexibility in muscles that may have tightened up during exercise.

Exercises for your lower body.

  • Squats: These are great for strengthening the muscles in your thighs and buttocks.
  • Lunges: This exercise targets the quadriceps and hamstrings, which are important for skiing or skating.
  • Calf Raises: This helps build up strength in your calves, ankles, and Achilles tendon–all of which support your ankles when you’re on skis or blades.
  • Step Ups: This exercise strengthens the muscles that support your knees during sports like skiing or skating.
  • Step Downs: They also strengthen these same muscles!

Exercises for your upper body.

  • Push-ups: This exercise works your chest, triceps, and shoulders.
  • Pull-ups: A great way to build back strength and increase upper body endurance.
  • Bicep curls: This is the move for you if you want strong arms that’ll help you stay balanced on skis or blades!
  • Triceps extensions: These target the backs of your arms–an often overlooked area when it comes to muscle-building exercises.
  • Lateral raises: This move will build up those deltoids so they can hold up those bulky ski jackets during long days on the slopes (or ice).

If you’re looking for a full-body workout that doesn’t require any equipment at all, try plank pose–it’ll strengthen everything from your core muscles all the way down through every limb!

Cool down and stretch again.

After your workout, it’s important to cool down and stretch again. This will help prevent muscle soreness. If you’re not sure how to stretch, there are many online resources that provide step-by-step instructions for stretching different muscle groups.

For example:

  • The muscles in my legs have been working hard today because I skied for an hour and a half this morning at the mountainside resort near my house. I’m going to do some stretches now so that they don’t get too tight or sore by tomorrow when I go skiing again!
  • First, bend over so that your hands touch the floor while keeping both legs straight behind you (like in yoga). Then lift one leg up towards the ceiling while keeping both hips facing forward; hold this position for 30 seconds before switching sides and repeating with another stretch like this one on each side until they feel good enough where no further improvement is needed!

Get in shape for winter sports

  • Warm up before you start.
  • Stretch your muscles.
  • Get in shape for the sport you’re doing. Don’t forget about balance!
  • Cool down after exercise, especially if it’s been a particularly strenuous workout or if you’ve been exercising for a long time (for example, more than an hour).

Don’t forget about balance.

  • Balance is important for skiing and skating, so you should practice your balance regularly. A great way to do this is with a balance board.
  • Stand on one foot for as long as possible, then switch feet and repeat. Do this for at least 5 minutes every day until it feels natural for you to stand on one leg without wobbling or falling over.
  • Practice walking on an uneven surface: walk across some stairs with uneven steps; walk uphill; walk downhill (you might want someone else around when doing this last one). This will help prepare your muscles for the challenge they’ll face while skiing or skating!
  • Walk across a tightrope–it doesn’t matter if it’s actually made out of rope or just something else that’s thin enough so that it feels like walking across one! This helps improve coordination between different parts of the body while improving overall strength in each part individually as well as their ability work together seamlessly when needed later down line during physical activities such as these ones here today.”

Warm up before hitting the slopes or hitting the ice.

You should always warm up before hitting the slopes or hitting the ice. Stretching can help improve your range of motion and reduce the risk of injury, so do some dynamic stretches before you start skiing or skating. A light jog or walk followed by some dynamic stretching will get your heart rate up and prepare your muscles for activity.

If you’re new to winter sports, start slow and work up to a full workout session.

A good warm-up routine includes dynamic stretching and a few minutes of light jogging or walking to get the blood flowing. Then do some strength training exercises for your arms, legs, and core (the body’s center).

To maximize your time on the slopes or ice rink, follow up with some cool-down stretches after each set of exercises. For example: Bend forward at the waist while keeping both legs straight in front of you; hold this position for 15 seconds while taking deep breaths in throughout without letting out any air until all five breaths are complete; repeat five times per side (10 total repetitions).


If you’re new to winter sports, start slow and work up to a full workout session. You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel after just one session!

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