
by | Apr 13, 2021 | HIIT | 0 comments

  1. What is it
  2. Consistency
  3. Features
  4. What’s It For?
  5. Contraindications
  6. Controversial

What is it, Tabata?

The Tabata is a workout method that comes from a Japanese scientist in the 1990s, who is the same and is part of the high-intensity works together training series – High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).

The Tabata, improving the aerobic and anaerobic characteristics of the higher threshold (anaerobic). It lends itself very well to the general preparation of combat sports and teamwork that involves running.

It consists of the execution of seven or eight repeated / maximum intensity repetitions, alternating with ten seconds of passive recovery. The series lasts about four minutes. It requires very accurate heating and activation. Deficiency also plays a key role.

The Tabata applies to Home Fitness and Circuit Training in many ways, even if questionably – see below.

It has the advantage of being very short, though strenuous, but the disadvantage of not lending itself to the training of newborns. Also, it is not advisable to integrate it with the overloads.

To find out more:

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Benefits


In comparison with an exercise bike. Tabata, still, similar results with other executions or exercises, such as:

  • spinning
  • elliptic practice
  • stroke (also on the treadmill)
  • stepper
  • excite
  • rower
  • skip
  • burpees
  • squat vehicles

Important! The Tabata can only be run after:

  • Appropriate aerobic heating
  • Activation and approach to higher intensity.

Note: The less athletic skills, the higher the level of training, the greater the importance of the preparation stage.

The Tabata is structured in series from 7 or 8 alternating / repeat times to passive recoveries of about 10”; the real work should be around 4′ (240”).

Each repeat of the Tabata must have the typical characteristics of high intensity (HIT) – above the anaerobic threshold and the activation of the anaerobic lactic metabolism. More specifically:

  • Duration: 20-inch
  • Intensity: 170% of maximum oxygen consumption (estimated in VO2max), thus substantially at the highest rate physically achievable.

Attention! Given the intensity of the Tabata, it is necessary to end the workouts with considerable strain – at least 10-15′, with pulsations framing the intensity in low aerobic sporting. This will allow a more effective washing of contractile tissues, with increased lactic acid discharge on the general (hepatic) metabolism rather than on its muscle.

Features of the Tabata

It is an interlaced method – Interval Training (IT) – works together with high intensity working patterns – High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).

The main characteristic of the Tabata is to increase heart rate (FC) to reach maximum sustainable levels, entirely using both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism.

Through short breaks, which only partially recover accumulated and produced lactic acid. The Tabata allows you to stay at maximum intensity levels – or almost – for a long time until you perform the life-long eight repeated.

In a short time, the Tabata induces a high oxygen debt that continues until the end of the workout.

These are the mechanisms that support the beneficial effects of the Tabata on the conditioning of the athlete.

What is the Tabata for?

The Tabata is a workout designed to simultaneously increase aerobic power – by raising the anaerobic threshold – and anaerobic capabilities – such as lactate power and lactate tolerance.

Experimental studies on the Tabata have shown that the method can confer considerable benefits on the body’s physical capacity in only 6 weeks (42 days, i.e., almost 1.5 months). These improvements affect aerobic and anaerobic capacities, increase the maximum oxygen consumption, and increase the ability to tolerate oxygen debt.

These studies show that activity with maximum or sub-ceiling intensity can improve some components of aerobic capacity. To a greater extent than the same low- and medium-volume high-volume aerobic activity – High Volume Training (HVT) – although some still consider the opposite to be valid.

Contraindications of the Tabata

Tabata, it is advisable to avoid overloading because fatigue should be as metabolic-oriented as possible. Overloads, which have a relevant effect on hypertrophic stimulation, tend to deplete the muscles more quickly and effectively.

This actualization is not random; Various imitations of the Tabata made with various tools aimed at muscle building (balers, kettlebell, etc.) are already widespread. On the other hand, this system, in addition to delivering different benefits, can be potentially risky – especially for low-experienced athletes.

Indeed, plastic executions, or even exercises involving movements with “critical” joint openings:

  • when weighed down by overloads
  • involve a high risk of muscular injury
  • Tendon and articulations, etc.).


Disputes of the Tabata

It is frequently applied to Home Fitness and Circuit Training in many ways. However, this change often risks distorting the method itself and its effectiveness. In fact, by interpreting the Tabata as a station workout, the recoveries and the training’s density are turned over.

The conventional Tabata, on the other hand, seems an excellent training system to improve lactic acid production and tolerance and to optimize maximum oxygen consumption. However, it should be noted that it is undeniable that it can have more effect than low- or medium-intensity, high-volume aerobic workouts. Many other systems can satisfy the exact needs. All HIIT workouts, when targeted, provide the same benefits.

Moreover, the most indicative bibliography, which cites the studies mentioned above, is not impartial. It contains only experiments carried out by Dr. Tabata et al.

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