You might have taken a break from your workout routine over the holidays, but now it’s time to get back into shape. However, it is not always easy to get back into shape after the long break. You might be tired and lack motivation, which could lead you to make common mistakes when getting back into exercise again. Here are some tips that will help you avoid getting injured when returning from a break:
The first thing you should do before starting a workout is warm up. A good warm-up will get your body ready for the exercise, and it can help prevent injuries. Warming up also helps keep your muscles loose and flexible so they don’t become injured as easily. The best way to make sure you’re doing a good job with warming up is by stretching. Make sure that you spend at least five minutes stretching before working out. Especially if it’s been a long time since you last exercised. You can either stretch on your own or ask someone else to help guide you through the stretches. Many gyms offer classes in how to do this properly! If possible, try not to stretch too close to when it’s time for your workout. This could end up causing cramps that make things more difficult than they need to be.
A good example would be 10 minutes of walking or jogging on a treadmill followed by stretching and mobility exercises (such as lunges, squats, etc.).
Eat and Hydrate
There are a few things you can do before and during your workout to ensure that you’re not going to get hurt or have any issues.
Before the Workout:
- Eat a healthy breakfast. This will help provide energy for your workout and keep you from feeling like death later on in the day. It’s also important not to skip this meal, as it’s one of the most important meals of the day!
- Drink plenty of water before and after your workout, but especially beforehand so that you don’t cramp up while trying out new exercises.
During the Workout:
- Listen to your body! If something doesn’t feel right, stop doing it until it does feel right again (or ask someone else who knows what they’re doing).
Start slowly
To avoid injury, start slowly. If you’re coming back from a long break, don’t try to do too much too soon. It’s tempting to throw yourself completely into your workouts right away, but it’s important not to overdo it. Start slowly and build up over time and you’ll be less likely to get hurt in the process. For example:
- Instead of going straight into running after taking some time off. Try walking first with intervals of jogging every few minutes until your heart rate has gone down.
- If you’ve been lifting weights for a while and haven’t taken any time off (or if it’s been a really long time since then). Consider starting with lighter weights or doing more repetitions rather than adding weight or doing fewer reps at first.
![Before Workout: 10 Things You Should Avoid](
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Before Workout: 10 Things You Should Avoid
Get a checkup before Running or Jogging
- Get a physical. Before starting a new workout routine, do a physical and get any necessary medical conditions sorted out. This can be done at home or in the gym depending on how you like to work out, but it’s important that you have any health problems taken care of before beginning this new workout schedule.
- Don’t try something too fast. When first starting out with running or jogging, don’t start by running for 10 minutes straight—at least not until your body is used to moving around more and exercising more often. Start by walking for five minutes, then run for two minutes at half speed (or whatever speed feels comfortable). Repeat this pattern several times until your heart rate gets up high enough (around 140 beats per minute) for about five minutes total time spent running/jogging/walking/etc., which should be enough to get started without causing any strain or injury.
Let your body tell you when to stop
It’s easy to push yourself too hard during the beginning of your workout routine. The holidays are over, and you want to get back into shape as quickly as possible. But it’s important not to overdo it. Listen to your body and don’t force yourself past what feels comfortable or safe.
You should also take frequent breaks throughout the day if you need them. Especially if you feel fatigued or sore in any way. If there is an exercise that causes pain or discomfort—whether it be from muscle strain or joint strain—stop doing it immediately and consult with a physical therapist before continuing on with those exercises.
Common mistakes during back to workout
It is common for people to get injured during the first few days back to workout after the holidays.
Your body has been inactive for a long time, so it’s no wonder that your muscles are weak and stiff, and your joints are tight and not used to the workout routine or environment. You might also be struggling with an illness or injury that was caused by overindulging in food and alcohol during the holiday season.
It’s best to slowly ease back into working out after missing workouts over the holidays, but if you follow these tips below you should be able to avoid getting hurt while still seeing results!
Listen to your body
Whether you are a professional athlete or a mom returning to the gym after the holidays, listen to your body. If you feel pain, stop and try again later. Continuing with an exercise program when you have pain will only make things worse in the long run. Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong and needs addressing.
Stretch it well.
Stretching is an important part of every workout. It’s especially important for those with a history of injury, as stretching can help prevent future injuries. Stretching helps increase flexibility, which will help you avoid straining your muscles and getting hurt during your workout.
You should stretch both before and after a workout to keep your body limber and ready for action. Before stretching:
- Warm up with light cardio (like walking or jogging). This will get blood flowing to the muscles you’ll be using during your workout, reducing risk of injury by helping them grow warm and pliable.
- Use proper form when stretching—you’re not trying to tear apart muscle tissue! Stretch gently until you feel slight discomfort; stop there! If you’re having trouble holding a position while doing seated stretches or lying on the floor, use something like a chair backrest or table edge as support so that nothing gets pulled out of place while stretching out into positions where it would otherwise be difficult (i.e., if I lift my leg up behind me but can’t quite reach far enough).
Drink plenty of water
If you’re an avid exerciser, you know that part of the fun of fitness is getting sweaty and breathing hard. But it’s also important to stay hydrated so your body can do its best work. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise to help keep your body going strong.
Here are some tips on what to drink and when:
- Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses (about two liters) of fluid every day if you’re drinking a combination of alcohol and caffeine; more if you’re just drinking caffeine or alcohol alone. If you exercise heavily or live in a hot climate, increase this amount by another one half to one full liter for every hour spent exercising outside or practicing your sport
Work on your core muscles.
When it comes to core strength, you’re better off working on your abs and strengthening the muscles around them. These are important for posture, balance and general fitness. A strong core also helps you maintain a healthy weight by stabilizing the body during exercise and allowing for better control of movements like bending down or lifting heavy objects.
Your core muscles include everything from your abdominal wall to lower back muscles that support you during activities like walking or sitting up straight. Work on strengthening these with exercises such as planks—where you lie on your stomach with forearms extended under shoulders so elbows are at 90 degrees; then lift upper body off ground without letting lower back arch (or curl).
Be careful when you get back to workout after a long break
- Listen to your body. If a workout starts to feel too hard or painful, stop immediately and consult with a professional.
- Don’t push yourself too hard when you first get back into exercising after a long break from physical activity. That can lead to injuries such as pulled muscles or tendons, which can be very painful and difficult for your body to recover from quickly (and may even require medical attention).
- Don’t skip warm up exercises before starting your workout routine—particularly if you are new at working out or haven’t been doing any exercise for awhile! Properly warming up helps prevent injury by making sure all of the body’s tissues are prepared for the more intense activities that follow later on in the routine; this includes stretching before starting an intense activity like running, which reduces stress on muscles so they don’t tear easily due to sudden exertion after being still for so long beforehand.”
As you can see there are many tips to help you avoid getting hurt. Remember that it is very common for people get injured during the first few days back to workout after the holidays. The key is to listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard too soon. Take care of yourself, eat well and hydrate before working out. Don’t forget about stretching! And remember that core training is important because it improves balance, strength, flexibility and coordination