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Paleo Diet: What is it and weekly Plan

by | Apr 28, 2021 | Paleo Diet | 0 comments

The Paleolithic Diet (Paleo or Paleodieta Diet) is trendy and well-discussed.

Let’s find out what you recommend eating and the contraindications. That can go against those who follow this diet for too long.

The Palodieta was designed by Loren Cordain. A nutritionist at the University of Colorado who is passionate about the paleolithic age.

The stone-age men lived essentially on hunting and fishing. Not yet practicing agriculture or breeding, and fed only on meat, berries, fruits, and vegetables. What they could get during the day by hunting and gathering.

Even today, according to those who promote this food regime, we should follow such a composed diet.

We would all be programmed, like our ancestors, to feed on animal proteins as well as vegetables and fruits in particular.

Paleo diet, how it works

Paleo’s diet is based on the idea that even modern men should eat as they did in the distant past to ensure a healthy weight and stay fit.

To be healthy, like said Cordain, it is necessary to eat a diet rich in animal proteins, completely excluding carbohydrates except those contained in fruits and vegetables.

It is also essential to associate regular physical activity with the paleolithic diet.

In fact, our ancestors were not sedentary because they had to struggle every day to get the food they needed.

Not to be able to buy it comfortably in markets or supermarkets.

According to the creator, this would be an effortless diet to follow and always suitable, therefore not only in losing weight.

Many nutritionists, however, do not think so and see this type of high protein diet as a potential health risk, especially if followed for long periods.

But let’s now look in more detail at what you can eat and what foods should be avoided under this diet.

Paleo diet, what to eat?

The Paleo diet allows you to eat only the foods that existed in the paleolithic age.

Paleo diet recommends eating mainly:

  • meat
  • fish
  • crustaceans and shellfish
  • seasonal fruits and vegetables
  • seed
  • berries
  • roots
  • honey

Very rarely, you can drink alcohol and consume seasonings such as oil. I also gave tea and coffee.

He advises against taking:

  • cereals
  • milk and dairy products
  • salt
  • sugar
  • oil
  • butter
  • legumes
  • processed or packaged foods
  • beer

Paleo diet, weekly Plan

We present you with a weekly menu of the Paleo diet as an example only.

If you want to lose weight or learn to stay healthy through proper nutrition, we recommend always consulting an expert.


Breakfast: hard-boiled eggs and almonds

Lunch: salted beef and rocket

Dinner: salmon with seasonal vegetables


Breakfast: salmon and walnuts

Lunch: Grilled chicken breast with salad

Dinner: stew with raw vegetables


Breakfast: turkey breast and walnuts

Lunch: shrimp and rocket salad

Dinner: grilled fish with seasonal vegetables


Breakfast: raw ham and fruit salad

Lunch: omelet with salad and tomatoes

Dinner: Roast chicken with grilled vegetables


Breakfast: eggs and nuts

Lunch: slice with mushrooms

Dinner: vegetable soup with a choice of cold cuts


Breakfast: eggs and fruit

Lunch: mixed vegetable salad with cold cuts

Dinner: escalopes with vegetables


Breakfast: Fruit smoothie with coconut milk or vegetable drink made from dried fruit

Lunch: Chicken curry with salad

Dinner: salmon with grilled vegetables

There are no snacks, but if you are hungry, you can eat dried or infected fruit.

Paleo diet, contraindications

The contraindications of the paleo diet are basically those of other hyper-protein diets.

That eliminates almost entirely essential nutrients such as carbohydrates and therefore is not balanced and does not instill proper food education.

Long-term harmful effects occur on the kidneys and liver that are forced to dispose of too many substances resulting from the metabolism of animal proteins, primarily uric acid.

To be absolutely avoided if you already have kidney and/or liver disease. Headaches, mood disorders, and elevated cholesterol, and triglycerides can also appear.

Often, diets like this have the disadvantage of going back to previous eating habits. 

You tend to be prey to the so-called yo-yo effect, i.e., you gain lost weight in a short time.

Absolutely not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

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