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Intermittent fasting 6:18 – How time is important?

by | May 11, 2021 | Intermittent Fasting | 0 comments

let’s talk about Intermittent fasting 6:18, but not in the aspect of what you need to eat and in what quantities you need to eat. And how to eat or instead in what time frame you need to eat to get the maximum effect. Not only to prevent old age but also to preserve health in general.

Recently, diets that use the so-called intermittent fasting have become popular.

the most well-known variants of these diets are:

  • 24-hour fasting
  • System 2:5. When a person sharply restricts calories two days a week, the remaining five days of the week eat as usual.

The so-called 6:18 diet is also trendy. When a person eats only for six hours during the day, the remaining eighteen are fasting.

People intuitively follow this diet (6:18) by resorting to eating in the evening hours. Supporters of the 6:18 system appeal to the fact that people generally do not eat by the hour. Approximately the last nine to ten thousand years only when humanity began to cultivate the circus of economic culture. People began to eat more or less regularly.

And it is believes that such a regime when you are full and then for some time you generally starve is more natural and healthy.

Indeed, recent studies on rodents have shown that diets with moving too fast actually contribute to an increase in life expectancy:

  • reducing the risk of cancer,
  • reducing the incidence of diabetes,
  • neurodegenerative diseases

But until recently, it was all a theory. And people who have resorted to such diets did it empirically. instead of relying on the proverb “eat your thighs for breakfast” with a friend, give your dinner to the enemy.”

Studies of Intermittent Fasting 6:18

In 2019, in May, a group of American scientists from the University of Alabama. It is correct on volunteers testing diets with intermittent fasting: Time-Restricted Feeding.

They researched that, for the first time, revealed the molecular mechanisms of the benefits of such fasting.

the study involved two groups:

  • one group of people was fed from 8 am to 2 pm.
  • The second group was fed from 8 am to 8 pm.

All the people were more or less healthy but just overweight. Both the first group and the second group follow the same diets. And in terms of calories, that is, they met their needs. People didn’t have any special sports activities. They led a sedentary lifestyle, and in terms of calories, their composition was the same in terms of the amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, too.

Approximately 50% carbohydrates, 35% fat, and 15% protein.

Results of Intermittent Fasting 6:18

The first group of people who eat from 8:00 to 14:00 has surprising results that are different from the second group. Those people who were fed during the day from 8 to 20 00

In the first group:

  • The average daily glucose level was lower.
  • There were fewer fluctuations in glucose during the day.
  • There was a higher insulin sensitivity. The genes that activated the first type of sirtuins were more active.
  • There were more active genes that activated autophagy.
  • there were more active genes that were responsible for lipid peroxidation and the fight against free radicals

These people also showed higher levels of the cadaveric factor measure of the brain. A substance in the nervous system in principle. It is not only in the brain but also in the intestine and various peripheral tissues.

It retains that this substance reduces its activity in old age. And partly because of this, people have Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease. Also, this neurotrophic factor of the brain allows you to preserve the beta cells of the pancreas. That is those cells that produce insulin. that is, it still has an anti-diabetic effect

In addition, it is very interesting that people who were fed from 8 to 14 hours. Paradoxically, the appetite decreased. It would seem that people were starving for sixteen hours, but no, it turned out that.

  • First, because their insulin levels were decreasing, the insulin itself, reducing it, gives a decrease in appetite.
  • Secondly, the level of ghrelin decreased.

Hormone Ghrelin

Ghrelin is a hunger hormone. And the reduction in the level of grilling on led to the fact that people better brought it to the diet, when they were only fed in the morning.

Also, these people were noted to have a decrease in the activity of the mTOR complex.

the important role of this intracellular factor for the development of tumors and for the prevention of aging.


As a result of this study, conclusions were drawn.

Those people who follow a diet interspersed with fasting on the 6:18 system, six hours go 18 hours they do not eat. The best results appear when people eat in the morning.

And this is consistent with the so-called circadian rhythms.

The fact is that in our body, hormones are released accordingly at a certain time of day.

Many biochemical processes also take place according to a certain time of day.

Gene expression, that is, the activation of specific genes, also occurs at certain times.

And most importantly, with a diet with a limited time of eating. It would help if you got exactly into this most favorable window.

For example, eat sweet food in the morning when people have the highest sensitivity to insulin. Or, for example, do not eat at night when complex in tor is activated, which can lead to the appearance of cancerous tumors.

Of course, I exaggerate and tell a very primitive story, but nevertheless.

That is, the conclusion from all this is that the proverb “eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to the enemy” really has a serious scientific background.

Which was recently proved, and so you can advise those who use a diet with intermittent fasting. Transfer the power hours, not to the evening time as most do. And I’m sure the investigators of this diet a for the morning time.

That is, in this way, you will:

  • prolong your life
  • reduce weight
  • improve your cardiovascular health
  • prevent yourself from developing cancer processes

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