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Healthy Habits for a Happy Life: How to Create a Wellness Routine That Works for You

by | Apr 16, 2023 | Wellness | 0 comments


You’ve probably heard of wellness routines, but what exactly is it? A wellness routine is a set of behaviors that help you lead a healthy life. It can include things like eating well and exercising regularly, but it can also encompass other areas of your life such as spirituality or self-care.What are the benefits of having a wellness routine? Wellness routines have been shown to improve mental health and reduce stress levels by encouraging people to take care of themselves in ways that make them feel good physically, emotionally and spiritually. Having an established routine makes it easier for people who are already busy with work or school responsibilities because they know what they need to do each day–and when–to stay on track with their goals!

Creating a Wellness Routine

You can create a wellness routine that works for you, even if you don’t have time to exercise regularly or eat healthy foods all the time. Here are some tips:

  • Set realistic goals. Don’t expect yourself to go from eating fast food every day and never exercising at all to suddenly becoming a fitness guru who eats only organic food and goes on hikes every weekend. Start small–you don’t even need an hour-long workout session each week! Just try walking around your neighborhood or doing some light stretching while watching TV at night instead of sitting down with Netflix binging on episodes of Friends (or whatever show it is that’s currently streaming).
  • Start building structure into your life by creating specific times when you’ll do things like meditate or cook dinner from scratch instead of ordering takeout every night; this will help keep those activities top-of-mind when they’re needed most so they become second nature over time without much effort put forth upfront by yourself as well as other people around them such as family members who might otherwise complain about having less free time because they’re always waiting around while someone else takes forever trying figure out what exactly needs doing next step before moving forward with anything else.”

Types of Activities to Include

  • Physical activity
  • Healthy eating
  • Mental health practices
  • Spiritual practices (e.g., prayer, meditation)
  • Rest and relaxation

Physical Activity

Physical activity is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. It’s been shown to improve mood, reduce stress, and fight off chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. The American Heart Association recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week (or 75 minutes per week if you’re just starting out).Physical activities can include walking, jogging or running; swimming; dancing; cycling; doing yard work or housework; playing sports such as tennis or basketball with friends–the list goes on! If you don’t like any of these options then try something new! There are plenty of fun ways to stay active so don’t get stuck in a rut doing the same thing every day because it gets boring fast!

Healthy Eating

The first step to creating a healthy eating routine is to identify the types of foods that you should be eating. There are many different types of healthy foods, but some examples include:

  • fruits and vegetables
  • whole grains (such as brown rice or quinoa)
  • lean protein sources such as eggs and fish (or meat substitutes like tofu)Once you know what types of foods are good for your body, it’s time to start incorporating them into your daily routine! The next step is making sure that these healthy options make up at least half of what goes on your plate at mealtime. The easiest way to do this is by filling half with veggies/fruit before adding anything else–this ensures that they won’t go unnoticed when serving yourself food later in the day.

Mental Health Practices

  • Mental health practices are the things you do to keep your mind healthy and happy.
  • They can include:
    • Meditating, exercising, or practicing yoga (or other forms of physical activity).
    • Reading books that inspire you or teach you something new. * Getting enough sleep and eating well so that your body is ready for whatever comes next in life!

Spiritual Practices

Spiritual practices are a key part of the wellness routine. They can be anything from meditation to prayer, and they’re an important part of creating a healthy mind-body connection.Spiritual practices help us connect with ourselves and others in ways that go beyond the physical world–they give us a sense of purpose, which is crucial for our well-being. When we feel connected to something greater than ourselves (whether it’s nature or God), we experience less stress and anxiety because we have something bigger than ourselves to turn toward when times get tough.Spiritual practices also help us cultivate compassion for others by making us more aware of their struggles and pain; this empathy makes it easier for us to treat others kindly instead of harshly or unkindly when they fail at something we know they tried hard at doing!

Rest and Relaxation

Rest and relaxation are critical to your overall health and happiness. Resting helps you recover from the stresses of daily life, while relaxation can help you de-stress in the moment. There are many different ways to rest and relax, but here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Take a nap when you’re tired or need a break from work or studying.
  • Lie down on your back with your arms at your sides, close your eyes, breathe deeply through the nose for five minutes (or longer if possible), then sit up slowly as if waking up from sleep–this is called Savasana in yoga classes.
  • Meditate by focusing on one thing at a time without judgment until all thoughts have passed through your mind without lingering–you may find this difficult at first but keep practicing!

Making Your Wellness Routine Sustainable

Now that you have a plan, it’s time to put it into action. Here are some tips for making your wellness routine sustainable:

  • Create a schedule and stick to it. The best way to ensure that you’ll actually follow through on your goals is by setting aside time in your calendar for wellness activities. This might mean scheduling specific days or times of day as “wellness days” (for example, Monday mornings from 10-11am), or just blocking off certain hours each week as “me time.” Whatever works best for you!
  • Find an accountability partner who will help motivate and inspire you along the way–and vice versa! If possible, try finding someone else who is working toward similar goals as yours so that both parties can support one another during difficult moments when motivation may wane (which we all know happens).


Now that you know the basics of creating a wellness routine, it’s time to put it into action. Don’t worry if your first attempt doesn’t go perfectly–just keep trying! You’ll find that as you get used to your new habits and routines, they will become second nature. As with any positive change in life, there may be some bumps along the way. But remember: even if one day isn’t perfect (or even good), tomorrow is another chance for improvement! And don’t forget about all those other days when things went well. Those successes can help motivate you when times get tough.

Remember also that this isn’t something that happens overnight. It takes time, commitment and patience before seeing results from any new habit or routine. If at first glance this looks like too much work for too little reward (or if there are other reasons why starting now seems impossible), don’t despair! There are plenty of things we can do right now that will make us happier people overall without requiring us all at once give up everything else we enjoy doing just so we can start living healthier lives immediately after reading this article…


Here are some references and links to studies mentioned in the article:

  1. “Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans” – a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: https://www.hhs.gov/fitness/be-active/physical-activity-guidelines-for-americans/index.html
  2. “Healthy Eating Plate” – a resource from the Harvard School of Public Health: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-eating-plate/
  3. “Meditation: A simple, fast way to reduce stress” – a resource from Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/meditation/in-depth/meditation/art-20045858
  4. “The Benefits of Spiritual Practice for Mental Health” – an article published in the Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19349637.2012.723249

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