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Cold feet in winter: causes and remedies

by | Jan 16, 2023 | Health | 0 comments


Cold feet in winter is something that most of us have to deal with. It can be caused by medical conditions or just a result of your body adjusting to the change in temperature. There are many ways to warm up your feet and they don’t all involve wearing socks!

Main causes of cold feet in winter

Cold feet are a common problem in winter. There are many causes, including medical conditions and nerve issues. For example, nerve damage can prevent your body from warming the blood flowing to your feet, causing them to feel cold.

Cold feet may not be caused by a lack of circulation but rather may be related to one of many disorders that affect the nerves themselves or the muscles that control blood flow through them; this includes Raynaud’s disease (a condition affecting blood vessels), which causes constriction when exposed to low temperatures. Other possible sources for cold feet include diabetes or hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). If you have these conditions and experience symptoms like cold hands and/or feet in wintertime, consult with your doctor about appropriate treatment options

Wear shoes that are properly insulated, and waterproof.

  • Wear shoes that are properly insulated, and waterproof.
  • The right shoe will be waterproof so that your feet stay dry even if you step in a puddle or snowdrift. Insulation will keep your feet warm when the temperature drops below freezing. If a shoe doesn’t have both of these qualities, it’s not worth wearing in winter conditions.
  • You’ll also want to make sure that your shoes have good traction on slippery floors (like ice) or ground surfaces (like mud). This can be accomplished by choosing footwear with rubber soles rather than leather ones. These soles provide more friction with the ground beneath them than softer materials like leather would—and there’s nothing worse than sliding around uncontrollably when you’re trying to walk!

Try an infrared heating mat or a foot warmer.

If you’re looking for a way to warm up your feet without getting out of bed, then try an infrared heating mat or a foot warmer. They’re available at most drug stores and are good for relieving cold feet. You can also use them on other parts of the body, such as the back or shoulders. Just make sure that if you do have a pacemaker, it’s not too hot (if in doubt, don’t use it!). These options are probably more expensive than some of the other remedies we’ve listed here, but they can be worth the investment if they work well for you!

Use a hot water bottle on your feet or in bed.

A hot water bottle can be used to warm up your feet. You can keep one in bed with you, or on the couch and put it between your legs. A hot water bottle is a cheap and easy way to heat up your feet!

Consider using compression socks.

If your feet are cold, consider using compression socks. They’re tight and firm, but they can help reduce swelling in your ankles and lower legs after a long day of walking or standing. Compression socks are usually made of a blend of cotton and spandex, which provides both comfort and support. These socks can also be worn under regular socks to keep the blood flowing through your toes as well as maintain their warmth—just make sure you don’t put them on too tight!

The downside is that compression socks can be expensive; some cost upwards of $50 for just one pair! If this sounds like too much money for you to spend on something that doesn’t really exist in nature anyway (i.e., it wasn’t meant for us), there are other ways to keep warm during winter months:

Know what nerve issues are doing to your feet

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that affects the peripheral nerves, which are the nerves that run away from your brain and spinal cord. These nerves supply sensation to different parts of your body (such as your hands or feet) and also control muscle movement.

There are many types of peripheral neuropathies. In some cases, they may be caused by an infection or a vitamin deficiency; in others, they may develop because of diabetes or exposure to toxic substances at work.

If you have a nerve disorder that affects your feet, you may notice symptoms like tingling sensations in your toes and coldness in one foot compared with the other—even though it’s summertime!

You can get frostbite on your feet.

  • Frostbite is a medical emergency and should be treated by a medical professional immediately.
  • It can result from exposure to cold temperatures, especially wind chill, which can make the air feel like it’s -40°C even when the temperature isn’t that low.
  • If you’re not sure if you have frostbite, contact your doctor as soon as possible because it can cause permanent damage if left untreated for too long; this includes frostnip, which is less severe than frostbite but still requires attention from a health professional (or at least an extremely good moisturizer).

Hypothyroidism and diabetes are medical conditions that cause cold feet.

There are two medical conditions that can cause cold feet: hypothyroidism, which is when your thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones; and diabetes, where the body cannot use the insulin it produces. Both conditions can cause cold feet.

Cold Feet in Hypothyroidism

Symptoms of hypothyroidism include feeling tired all the time, hair loss (especially on your head), a lack of energy, feeling continually cold and constipation. If you experience one or more of these symptoms then you should see your doctor as soon as possible.


Cold feet in winter can be a nuisance, but they aren’t really dangerous. It is important to understand the causes of this symptom so that you can take measures to prevent it. You may also want to talk with your doctor about other possible treatments for cold feet if your condition becomes chronic or severe.

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