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How to distinguish hypochondria from anxiety?

by | Oct 18, 2022 | Mental Health | 0 comments


Hypochondria and anxiety are two of the most common mental disorders. They can cause a lot of problems for people who suffer from them, but there are ways to recognize these symptoms and seek help. If you’re not sure if you have hypochondria or anxiety, read on so that we can help you figure out which disorder is affecting your life.

What is hypochondria?

Hypochondria is a mental disorder in which a person obsesses over the idea that they have a serious disease. The person will often become very anxious about their health, even going to great lengths to try to diagnose themselves.

While hypochondria and anxiety may share some similarities, there are key differences between these two conditions that can help you distinguish them.

Causes of hypochondria.

There are several factors that can contribute to hypochondria. Some of them are genetic and others are the result of trauma or low self-esteem.

Take this example: a person with a family history of anxiety and depression may be predisposed to develop hypochondria as well. Another common cause is childhood abuse, which can make you more anxious about your health and lead you to obsess over every little pain or ache you feel in your body.

Another common reason for developing this condition is low self-confidence due to past failures in life or relationships (e.g., losing out on a job promotion), which makes it hard for them to trust their own judgment when it comes to their health issues.

What are the symptoms of hypochondria?

The first step in treating hypochondria is to recognize the symptoms of the condition. The International Hypochondria Society has developed a list of signs and symptoms that indicate a possible case of hypochondria. These include fear of:

  • disease
  • death
  • pain
  • being alone
  • being abandoned or rejected

Signs of anxiety.

Another important thing to know about anxiety is that it can cause many physical symptoms. Some of the most common are:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Sweating, nausea and vomiting
  • Heart palpitations
  • Muscle tension, weakness and dizziness

How do you know if I have anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of worry, fear and unease. It can be caused by stress, but it can also occur without any obvious reason.

If you have anxiety you might:

  • experience physical symptoms such as a racing heart, dizziness and nausea
  • have a fear of the unknown
  • worry about the future – “what if something bad happens?”
  • be afraid of being alone – “what if I get lost?”
  • feel like you are losing control – “What if I make a fool of myself?”
  • feel like you are going crazy

Seek help to deal with the symptoms of hypochondria and anxiety.

If you are experiencing symptoms of hypochondria, anxiety or any other mental health condition, seek help from a doctor. A doctor will be able to diagnose you and give specific advice about treatment options based on your symptoms.

If you have decided to seek help from a therapist, find one with experience in treating hypochondria/anxiety or other similar conditions. Some therapists specialize in these issues and have more experience than others with them.

You should also try talking to friends and family members about what is happening to you so that they can offer support during this difficult time for you. Take advantage of their company when possible; having someone there for comfort is always helpful in dealing with these symptoms!

Self-help books can be very helpful as well! Reading up on topics like meditation and exercise has been shown to improve anxiety levels by helping people regulate their thoughts through focused breathing exercises as well as keeping track of how active they’ve been throughout each day—something which makes most people feel better overall because it gives them something positive (such as exercise) rather than dwelling over negative thoughts all day long without knowing what else could be done differently instead

Can you find the source of your fears? If so, that’s a good sign.

If you can find the source of your fears, that’s a good sign. The more specific you can get with this issue, the better. If you have any suspicions about what might be causing you anxiety or stress, explore those first.

If nothing seems to pop up as a primary cause, then it’s time to start looking at other options—such as hypochondria or another mental health condition.

Hypochondria vs. Anxiety?

Hypochondria is a type of anxiety disorder that causes people to worry about having a serious illness or disease, even though they have no signs or symptoms. It can be caused by other mental health disorders, including depression and OCD. In general, people with hypochondria tend to obsess over their own health and ignore actual symptoms they may have.

If you’re worried that your constant thoughts about your health aren’t normal—or if you’re experiencing other symptoms of anxiety—it’s important to talk with someone who can help guide you through the process of identifying what’s going on with your body and mind.

If a person has a phobia, he is convinced that his symptoms are evidence of a serious disease.

This can include any kind of fear, from the fear of heights to arachnophobia (fear of spiders). A person with this type of anxiety disorder often experiences other symptoms as well. For example, he may experience nausea or sweating and trembling in addition to feeling anxious when faced with the object or situation that triggers his fear.

People with phobias are usually aware that their fear is irrational—they just can’t help themselves! They know they shouldn’t be afraid—and yet they still feel scared out of their wits at every opportunity. The best way to overcome this type of anxiety disorder is through therapy; cognitive behavioral therapy can help you rewire your thought patterns so that your reactions become more appropriate for the context instead of being an overreaction based on an irrational assumption about what may happen if you come into contact with the thing itself (like getting bitten by a spider).


This can be very difficult for the person with hypochondria, as well as for others around them. The good news is that there are ways to treat this disorder and get back to a normal life. If you or someone you know suffers from this disorder, it’s important to seek help from a mental health professional who specializes in anxiety disorders and other conditions affecting the mind/body connection.

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